ah, catfood…
I have 3 kitties, each has her own idea of the perfect food.
#1 only eats dry. No can, won’t touch it, never has. Gravy, pate or straight up tuna, no dice. So I sucked it up and bought a variety that actually has animal of some form as first ingredient. And yes, read the labels, because the premium price does not guarantee you are actually getting a better food.
On the other hand though, when we do go out for chicken biscuits for breakfast, we better calculate on for her catness, because she will get her share. If you part with it willingly you decrease blood loss! 
#2 Well, he eats canned. But only the shredded and flaked kinds. pate is a no go. and he nibbles on the dry when that’s all there is left. A bit under the paw of #1…he does not get pushy with the ‘fresh’ meat as his sister. Likes canned tuna though
#3, the princess, prefers tuna over everything else, so much so that I have mostly tuna based canned food stocked up. Nibbles on the dry some times. Eats real turkey and chicken when she can…
I also do leave the bowls empty from time to time. I fill the ‘dry’ bowl up in the morning, it might hold up to a cup of kibble. Then we split a can between 2 and 3, the 5 ounce size. That is pretty much it til evening, then we repeat. The cats look good and don’t get too picky about the food. When I get turned around and get suckered into a feeding at noon I might skip the evening meal. Then they eat the pate style, too, but it has to be on a plate and loosened up…
Anyhow, back to the original problem: SD is by pretty much everybody considered to be crap food for lots of $$$ I don’t think I have heard a lot of good things about it.
I’d start switching the cats over to something more animal based gradually (right, like the cats can’t eat around the kibble they don’t like… I have seen it happen, prompting me to switch to a different brand) And since they are chubby, put out the bowls in the AM and PM, and the mean and dreaded emptiness in the mean time. Add canned. if you split up a 5 ounce can 4 ways, that’s a bite morning and evening for 2 cats. Gradually increase the amounts. I am steady at half a can. Any more and they don’t finish it and it stinks up the place. So each day I go through 2 cans. I am feeding Friskies. They like it and it’s affordable and I can get it at the grocery store. The variety is preference.
I am constantly groaning though…my mom lives in Germany, and the varieties there are just so much greater, with duck, rabbit, and what have you, aside from the endless beef, turkey and chicken…and they got that stuff in gelatin…you should have HEARD the cats eat that! You could here them smack on the other side of the yard! :eek::lol::lol:
don’t fret it. Can’t undo the past, step confidently into the future!