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I Dood It!

I’ve been the Queen of Procrastinating :princess::no_entry_sign:
Spring finally gave us a respite from rain (returns tonight :persevere:) & comfy temps in the 70s.
Finally today I girded my loins, pried myself off the couch & harnessed the mini.
Who has not been driven since Icannotrecall… Fall? :roll_eyes:
Low ground is still not dry enough for my cart, but we had a nice tootle around the high places on my acreage & a brief foray onto the road.
God love this VSE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
He behaved like we’d been doing this on the regular.
Admittedly he’ll need some legging up, but overall he was just as I left him.
With an improved Whoa < that I’ve been working on with him at liberty on the ground.


So nice when that happens! What a good boy :slight_smile:

I haven’t driven my guy since last fall as well. I’ve just started to ride him to slowly get him back in shape before I start to drive again. Bring on the nice weather!!

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Good to hear Bugs hasn’t forgotten anything! Those are the nicest kind to have.

Husband has been getting Luke out, working on finding a bit Luke likes contact with. I forgot what an array of snaffle bits I have! Horse does NOT like solid mouthpieces, even with reins on direct pull setting, no curb action. Seems it rains every third day so the ring is sloppy to work in.

Got the Pair out yesterday, went down the road a few miles, lots of walk. Hawk had a hematoma in his hoof, so was laid up about three weeks. Now shod with a plate and pad over disinfecting packing, to cover the thin new sole. Seems the right “package for now”, not limping at all. They moved right out, looking at all the spring changes since their last outing. Alyss was pretty nice about the trash cans, giving them a hard look going by. Better than before! Ha ha She doesn’t like new stuff beside the road edges, often using it as an excuse to move away.


My Hackney pony freaked out over black trash bags, but was fine with white ones. Obviously, the black bags and trash cans contain horse eating monsters.


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Last year she would slide waaayyy over to avoid them at any cost. Hawk could not hold her, got pushed aside. Which was funny because if he tried to slide over it was like she was a brick wall. NO movement to the side! Trash can or whatever could eat him first!! Only not liking the pink trash cans so far. I was quite surprised with her good change/improvement.