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I feel completely lost. Change is hard! New Forum

I don’t want to make any guarantees, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to offer a alternate “theme” that tones down avatar circles. I will also check to see if a dark background theme can be enabled.

Some of these preference-related tweaks may take a while to customize and implement, and we have to triage feedback…so, right now, fixing log-in issues is number one on the list. I’m working on consolidating feedback and transferring it to the chief button-pushers!


No, I don’t love the new format. On my phone, which is mostly what I use to read the forums, it is incredibly difficult to figure out how everything is organized. I was ready to give up on it when I decided to try it on my laptop and iPad. It is much easier to navigate on them. On the phone, I feel like I’m playing a game of Marco Polo–my eyes are closed and everyone is yelling “Polo!” all around me. Unfortunately, my phone is typically the device I have near me on my downtime.

As others have mentioned, not having page numbers is a huge turnoff for me. That’s how I organize my memory of pretty much anything I read, in pages. The slider, again, as others have said, is not easy to operate–practically impossible on my phone.

Despite these complaints, I appreciate that the COTH provides free forums. I appreciate the wealth of knowledge and resources available here. I appreciate that they are trying to make the experience better for a bunch of folks who probably don’t even subscribe to the magazine. So, for all that, I’m grateful and think my complaints matter little.


@seabreeze Have you tried using the Desktop View on your phone? Perhaps you might like that better. You can try it out by clicking the three-line “hamburger menu” – at the bottom of the menu should be option to switch back and forth between Desktop and Mobile views.

If you can give some specific examples of what is confusing or unappealing, maybe we can give some suggestions or explain some functions that might make your experience on mobile more enjoyable too.


The desktop view is much better. Thank you.


This is one reason I am glad they have allowed for the different modes. :slight_smile:
For myself, I actually like the mobile/tablet mode better than how it is on a computer/desktop mode.
While it did take me a minute of clicking around, I find everything easily accessible, pretty self explanatory & the forum flows much better… IMO

I’m finding myself coming here more often than I had on the old forum.


I do find I am avoiding the forum. The presentation does not read well at all for me and simply does not seem worth the effort. Oh well.


Have you tried checking the forum out while in a different mode?
Mobile & desktop are a bit different.
Might make a difference for you.


I’m not Discourse’s biggest fan, as evidenced by my replies in the other thread.

But I would encourage you to just keep plugging at it. I enjoy your posts on this forum and it would be a shame to lose you and other members who are having trouble navigating the new forum.

There are many things I don’t love about the new forum format, but I find there are some small changes that are better. Search function is tremendously improved. I like the notification set up system. Certain reply features are better, such as being able to copy/paste images instead of just upload them. And I’m glad we have “related topics” back - that was something I missed in the last forum roll out.

I found the more time I spent just poking at things, the more I figured out. But it was not easy or even intuitive to do so. So you are not alone in feeling the forum is difficult. The moderator has been very good at trying to find a balance between feedback and what Discourse can provide.


But it also sounds like it is getting less difficult as you have spent more time here?

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Yes, and no.

With any change, comes an adaptation period were you are rewiring your previous ways of thinking and operating, for the new ones. This does not make it less difficult. It just means the person has learned how to navigate around the difficulties. I believe for many of us we will just have to learn how to navigate some of the unnecessarily complicated parts of Discourse, if we want to continue using this forum.

It’s just what it is. I’ve mostly raised my concerns about accessibility on the other thread, they’ve been heard, and I appreciate that. I won’t beat a dead horse here, too. :wink:

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I’ve been dutifully trying out the new version and although I don’t like aspects of it, I’m learning and adjusting.

It seems to me that usage has dropped a great deal, though. Perhaps I’m wrong, but it seems like there are few new threads and not tons of activity (in general) on them.


I think that usage dropped back a ton before the switch. Most likely because of how slow the forum was. Hopefully now that we have a zippy forum people will come back.


@bingbingbing Is the new format treating you (& other unhappy users) any better?
I am finding it easy(er) to use the more I visit.
And I’m sure there are LOTS of shortcuts I haven’t found yet.
But, I am a physical learner.
Reading all the helpful tips just makes my eyes tired.
So I will continue bumbling around and eventually become more competent :sunglasses:
I was Today Years Old when I discovered how easy posting a pic has become :+1:


You may already know, when posting pictures, once one is downloaded 100%, you can follow that in the preview window right by the main posting window, you will have an option right below that just downloaded picture: 100% - 75% - 50%

If we want different size than the standard 100%, click on your choice to reduce to a smaller one.

I love all your pictures, any size you want to post them, just adding one more little detail to posting them.


Thanks @Bluey
This OldDog is slowly learning :smirk:
See edited pic above :grin:

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You are welcome.

This old dog is also a slow learner, but love pictures.

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This is what I noticed, very much so! In the Eventing subforum, there was one brief thread about Tryon, one of the few big events we’re having this year with COVID restrictions. One short thread, and the title of it focused on the livestream technical difficulties, although the discussion itself did include a few comments on the event and results.

And even if Current Events isn’t around, I miss OFF TOPIC. We had a lot of fun cooking/food prep threads, product review and tip threads, etc. etc.

I am glad that many here have said they find lots to like about the new forum format. I still don’t care for it, but it is not keeping me away. The obvious lack of discussion, however, is certainly keeping me away, and given the precipitous drop in traffic occurred with the format change, it’s hard not to conclude the new format is not boding well for the continuation of the forum. I sure hope that changes.

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These forums are still here.

It looks like you have the username1 issue, which is an ongoing known issue (known issues are listed in the first post of the long feedback thread in Tech Help, or at the bottom of the FAQ thread, also in Tech Help.) The devs seem to be addressing that in batches every few days, so you should get the forums back soon. There’s more info about that here.

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There’s info about that in the thread I linked. Here, I guess I can quote it for you…