I give up.

I can’t win.

I had the crappy ankles scoped this summer. They are doing pretty well. I’m back to walking more, almost a mile! They aren’t perfect, but better. Still some issues with just getting legged up.

Since I’m more active…my old c-spine injury is acting up. I had joked with the new pain doc this year that the perk of the crappy ankles was that I wasn’t active enough to aggravate my spine the last few years. Now I’m apparently active enough to aggravate my spine. arrrghh.

I guess I could be positive and say that at least it started blowing up this year, when I long ago hit my max out of pocket for the year. At least it wasn’t January and a new deductible. (I know that’s a stretch)

It’s just getting old.

I know what you mean.

I hurt my foot many years ago. I COULD NOT get an MD type to either listen to me, image (MRI) my foot or believe me. I told the ER doctor when I hurt it that it felt like something tore. He proceeded to tell me nothing was broken. DUH!. I tried to live with it but finally after whining to my PCP year after year, he referred me to a different surgeon who listened to me. Both peroneal tendons and the posterior tibial tendon were torn. I had surgery and he fixed them as best he could for the injury being 10 years old. It doesn’t hurt anymore but mechanically, I still walk on the outside of my foot.

OK so while I was rehabbing the foot, my hip started to go. I thought it was mostly muscle issues brought about by the way I was walking. Oh no. Hip arthritic and the head of the femur was square so I had a hip replacement. I have been very happy with the result of that. I too am up to walking 1-2 miles but that seems inadequate but I do what I can do. Oh yeah with a bout of peroneal tendonitis in my good foot. It took me a year to get a handle on that.

OK ready to get back to serious riding after all that. Hip replacement was in early 2015. Last fall, an issue with my tailbone area reared it’s ugly head. I had always been able to manage it by sitting with a cushion and or lots of standing and it didn’t cause a problem with riding as long as I didn’t ride too long or too many days in a row. Not last fall:no:. I couldn’t even stand to sit in the saddle. Things did settle down some last winter but I am pretty limited to ride about 30 minutes 2x/week if it isn’t too revved up (aka very painful). I requested via my PCP to work it up AGAIN(extensive workup with injections and ultimately a hysterectomy to get rid of a oddly placed fibroid 5 years ago).
I started that in January but gosh by July:rolleyes: I finally had a diagnosis.
My tailbone has a spur on it…it points out the back…like a tail would point. I have a couple appointments lined up to see if removal is an option. I mean my God what a process. I’ve lost count of the doctors I’ve seen…and I’m not done.

I don’t know if riding is going to be doable. Recovery from the surgery is usually 12-18 months and maybe longer. I am 61 and it just feels like the clock is ticking faster. Just when my horse is getting really fun to ride:sigh:. We were just ready to do the 2nd level leap when I took the winter off for the hysterectomy (and foot surgery 10 weeks later). I have never gotten back in shape and myself and the horse have pretty much been just puttering around.
I may have some unpleasant decisions to make.

Sorry for the book but I totally understand your sentiment.


Better Old than Cold as they say. Don’t give up!

It definitely does seem like when you fix one thing that it flares up another. I have tried getting into better shape and the only thing I can handle is aqua fitness classes. It does suck getting old but beats the alternative.

I wish I could get back up on a horse. I don’t know if I could get up there, I just wish I had the opportunity. A non-horsey friend once told me that he didn’t think I’d be able to get up on one. I said it’s the getting down again that’s so hard.

These days I can’t even get TO a horse. Friend said she would take me once the fall weather kicked in. Now it’s COLD and we’re still not there.


It does suck getting old but beats the alternative.[/QUOTE]

Amen to that…had right knee cleaned up 4 years ago, he said that I would probably need a replacement in 5 years. Up until a couple of months ago I thought he was wrong, now I believe him, and lefty, cleaned up 7 years ago, is complaining about being the leading leg.

I guess as long as we are moving we’re winning.

Anyone else want a BOT onesie for Christmas


I guess as long as we are moving we’re winning.

Anyone else want a BOT onesie for Christmas[/QUOTE]


I know what you mean.

I don’t know if riding is going to be doable. Recovery from the surgery is usually 12-18 months and maybe longer. I am 61 and it just feels like the clock is ticking faster.

Sorry for the book but I totally understand your sentiment.


I have a couple DECADES until I catch up to you. :(. I had one old guy start with “When you get to be my age…” thing when I doing PT one day. I pretty much went off on him.:uhoh: I will have been fighting the c-spine thing 19 years next week. I’ve got PT that day*, I was thinking of bringing in a cup cake with the big number candles on it. I think next year, I’ll just throw a party.

I guess as long as we are moving we’re winning.

Anyone else want a BOT onesie for Christmas[/QUOTE]

I think I have one - it’s called the electric couch throw. :smiley: The ancient cat is rather annoyed at me for having the gall to use it the last week or two. My shoulders actually feel pretty good.

*I totaled a car the day before Pearl Harbor Day. It was nice I picked an easily remembered day to screw myself up.

[QUOTE=red mares;8958760]
*I totaled a car the day before Pearl Harbor Day. It was nice I picked an easily remembered day to screw myself up.[/QUOTE]

Sh*t happens.

Maybe it’s time to let go of all the anger and forgive your younger self for that mistake.

I’m past the anger over the spine. Sometimes it just hurts and you indulge in some self pity.

The ankles- I’m still angry about that. I am trying to get past it, but I’m not there yet. Most times you don’t end up with a permanent handicapped parking permit from a sprained ankle. It just generally doesn’t happen. And it makes me mad.

When you have a conversation with one your healthcare providers saying, “Geez, I can’t help wonder if I’d be here if this had been handled a little differently.” and that healthcare provider confirms that were some pretty bad decisions made, it’s pretty hard to swallow. It wasn’t malpractice per se, but it was avoidable.

So yeah, I need to let that go, but again, I’m just not there yet.