I had knee surgery - now what?

So on 3/31 I had the meniscus in my right knee removed. Ortho surgeon said it was a pretty bad collateral tear so he just removed it entirely.

I originally hurt myself on 1/28. Went to ER on 1/30 and was advised I had torn meniscus. Saw ortho 2/5. He refused to order MRI because he wanted to wait to see if it got better. Saw him again on 2/12 - clearly I’m NOT better so he says he will order MRI. On 2/13 I tripped over a cat and re-injured (or complicated original injury - however you want to look at it.) Go to ER and was told I had torn MCL. I see another ortho on 2/18. This guy has a fit that MRI has not been done. Etc etc and finally - (Holy crap!) I get scheduled for surgery on 3/31. All I can say is I bet if I was a football player I would have got in faster…grump grump grump…

So here I am on day four after surgery. Having a hard time walking - well, duh…ANd of course since I want to take it easy I can’t not with sick pets plus I live by myself. Ain’t no-one else gonna clean up the mess.

What can I expect? What kind of healing time? Did any of you have any limitations afterward? Anyone suggest things I can do to improve or speed healing process? How about knee injections - who has had those and what are your feeling toward them? I admit I’m feeling just a teenzy bit whiney but have told myself I can have til Monday then snap out if it. Just looking for input.

Thankfully I have no experience with my knees so I can’t help you there but I was in PT for the past year myself and watched lots of other people get PT on their knees. My PT guy said it is the most important job he has is working on people post op from knee surgeries. Take your meds, lots of ice and do what your PT says to do.

I’ve had three different knee surgeries on my left knee-- ice, elevation, pain meds. Do you have PT set up or at least know when you will start PT? That is the key to recovery from any ortho surgery, being committed to your PT.

Really try to not bear weight, if that is a condition of your post-surgery directions. Be careful! Is there anyone who can come over and help you if needed??

Follow your post op instructions to the letter. Stay off the knee and elevate for a few days. Ask MD’s office any questions you have as you go. Use your cane as prescribed to help moving around. You will need it for about 2 weeks depending on your age/size/recovery time. I was able to ride at the walk at about 2 months time after all 3 of my meniscusectomies on my one knee. You must follow your PT’s recommendations or else you will retear and need more surgeries.

Forgot to add: your questions can’t specifically be answered because so many factors weigh in when it comes to recovery. No one recovers at the same rate and once again your doctor should have been asked these questions and answered them for you; not us. Factors that influence your recovery are: pre op fitness, severity of injury, what was actually done during your arthroscopy, age, weight, living conditions, medications and co-existing medical conditions, and goals. I always recommend finding a horsie PT to advise you but some things I learned are:
From this point on you should always use a mounting block to get on/off. Wear good shock absorbing shoes for a few months or whenever you’re gonna be on your feet for long periods like sneakers/jogging shoes. Do stairs/steps gingerly for awhile. Beware uneven ground because if you destabilize your ankles it transfers up to your knees sometimes. Invest in some good herme sprenger type stirrup irons to help w/knee strain. If knee hurts/swells or gets warm that’s a warning sign to stop doing something ice & elevate & get off it. Listen to your knee; it’ll tell you when you are overdoing it. You are at risk for retear for the rest of your life if you don’t stay fit/keep weight off or don’t listen to your knee!! Ditto for arthritis. I found english saddles with lots of knee roll hurt so switched to lesser. Also ride longer length stirrups (dressage/western length) for awhile until you get your leg in better shape.
I’m a nurse and was back foxhunting after all 3 surgeries so you are likely to also have a good outcome. Good luck!

Well I can commiserate a little if that helps. I fell 8 feet out of my hayloft Feb 1 and tore the mcl and acl. Initially they only thought it was an mcl sprain and I went home with a brace and took it easy for a few weeks. A month in they decided I wasn’t better enough and did the MRI and found I had torn the ACL! Since the mcl had healed on its own, and the range of motion was ok, I had the surgery last Monday.

As others have said, follow the surgeon’s advice. I don’t know what the protocol is for cartilage repair. In any event, ice is probably your friend. It sucks to be alone - I have had help and since I am not to bear any weight on it for 2 weeks, has been critical. But these tips have made it easier on everyone.

Cryo cuff- makes icing much simpler you fill it in the morning and it will stay cold all day - no trips to the freezer to swap out the ice packs.

Get a bag or pail to put all the stuff you need for any length of time - meds, a water bottle, phone, charging cords, book, etc - so you can park yourself in one place and then easily move it all if you do move.

A rolly cart to push around the stuff like meals that don’t fit in the pail.

So sorry you are dealing with this.

Following your post-op instructions is the best way to long-term health, so if you can, get some help with your sick pets. Don’t be afraid to say “Yes” to friends who offer to help, or even just hiring someone to help you out.

Oh, thank you thank you for the kind words and the good advice. Feeling less whiney today (about damn time :lol:).

My follow-up appt is on Wed 4/8 and I am writing down all the questions I want to ask. I have a cool doc so am very lucky.

I have been up for 3 hrs now - I think it’s time to hop up on sofa and read for awhile. :slight_smile:

So, I also recently had my lateral meniscus removed. For me, I had a bit more traumatic injury. Fell onto icy ground jumping from my horse trailer onto my horse. Tibial plateau fracture with screws and bolts, and lots of hardware. My surgeon has discuss a meniscal transplant down the line to retain full mobility and avoid arthritis. This is something that you may want to look into. Otherwise, you have no cushion in your knee. For now, get a good PT and follow your surgeon’s and PT’s orders. I was doing exercises for mobility within 3 weeks of surgery, but I am still not 100% weight-bearing (surgery on Jan 9). That is because of the broken bone though, not because of the meniscus.

for the future, this from the NYT:
