So on 3/31 I had the meniscus in my right knee removed. Ortho surgeon said it was a pretty bad collateral tear so he just removed it entirely.
I originally hurt myself on 1/28. Went to ER on 1/30 and was advised I had torn meniscus. Saw ortho 2/5. He refused to order MRI because he wanted to wait to see if it got better. Saw him again on 2/12 - clearly I’m NOT better so he says he will order MRI. On 2/13 I tripped over a cat and re-injured (or complicated original injury - however you want to look at it.) Go to ER and was told I had torn MCL. I see another ortho on 2/18. This guy has a fit that MRI has not been done. Etc etc and finally - (Holy crap!) I get scheduled for surgery on 3/31. All I can say is I bet if I was a football player I would have got in faster…grump grump grump…
So here I am on day four after surgery. Having a hard time walking - well, duh…ANd of course since I want to take it easy I can’t not with sick pets plus I live by myself. Ain’t no-one else gonna clean up the mess.
What can I expect? What kind of healing time? Did any of you have any limitations afterward? Anyone suggest things I can do to improve or speed healing process? How about knee injections - who has had those and what are your feeling toward them? I admit I’m feeling just a teenzy bit whiney but have told myself I can have til Monday then snap out if it. Just looking for input.