I had sacrum and trochanter injections yesterday:Question

My pain got so bad I went for injections and the Doctor did both sacrum and trochanter injections yesterday, Monday the 2nd. I could not get a straight answer from him about how long I should wait before riding again GGrrr. All he said to me was “With this horrible heat wave you will give your horse a heart attack so wait for it to break which they say won’t be for 10 days” and walked away to go inject a patient!! He is a wise ass and this is my first experience so I have no idea.

Can anyone share their experiences, please??? How long were you told to wait. I don’t want to screw it up.
PS: Calling his office will be no better, the women there don’t communicate any better I have found .

Well, my doctor was just “go ride, don’t worry.” But on the advice of a friend of mine who has been there, done that, I waited a few days–five, I think, and then took it fairly carefully for a few days–easy on the sitting trot, for instance.

Thanks atr, that’s exactly what I am looking for! I ride dressage and there is plenty of sitting. I figured to hear from actual people who have done this is best since obviously my doctor knows nothing about horses and riding.

I would say, if riding is part of why you are having problems, to wait makes sense.

If it is not, then you probably don’t have to stay off a horse.

Any time I had any injections, there were no restrictions at all.

All the Drs would say, injecting may work or not.
Just go on with your life and see if it helps.

My doctor always wants me to go test my injections right away while I am still numb from the lidocaine as that sort of mimics what it will feel like after the cortisone fully kicks in.

thanks for all the advice. The doctor knows nothing about riding. I know nothing about injections for me. Horses, I know, lol. Walking, sitting, everything seems to have bothered my back at this point, don’t know what triggers it at this point, and PT actually made it worse, so why I went for shots. I figure since at this point since everything seems to irritate it I would give the shots a week to calm it down a little bit since I am feeling better since having them and have my fingers crossed it stays this was awhile.

That sounds like a good plan.

My first shot in the back of my hip worked like a charm … for 1 1/2 years.
After 2 years a second one must not have hit the right spot, it did zip, zero, nothing for me.
Since I have been managing ok without, I am not going for another try for a while.

So, don’t dispair if the first go round may not help, but maybe it will.
Some times is hitting the right spot that does it.

Yes, I went into this knowing it was a 50/50 chance. Just feeling better right now is a relief, lol. I am hoping they at least calm some of the inflammation which is why I am not rushing to get on. I lost my horse after nursing him for 9 months and got my new one in April and my trainer and I are training him. He needs work with his canter so actually I put him in training the past 2 weeks to keep him going and let her work on him, so there is an “up side” to this :slight_smile: But I am missing get to know him better he is a cool horse! I just have my fingers crossed the shots bring me at least some pain relief for awhile!

Do you know which steroid was used? The steroid flare will last a few days to a week depending, and that can be awfully uncomfortable. I’d say you’re good to ride once you’re comfortable to do so.

No I don’t. This doctor came highly recommended. Boy was he horrible when it came to communication!! I knew medically he knew what he was doing because of my background, but he thinks he is “God” and one does not ask him questions.
The doctor who I had the only other injections I have ever had, which were in my neck, was in the process of finding another practice, his broke up, I would use again in a heartbeat but he was unable to help me right now. I will definitely go back to him as soon as he is settled in his new practice.
The soreness from the injections is almost gone.

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