I hate the Pop-up boxes! Can I stop them?

The ones where I drag my mouse around to scroll down the page, and each time it goes over a link/topic a box comes up with the first few lines of the first post…I hate this feature! Can it be disabled?

I don’t care for them either, so if someone knows how to disable them, it would be awesome!

I guess I’m the odd ball here…lol I like the way you can get a general idea of the post without actually clicking on it.

Yeah, but

I find them a little annoying, too, but I get around it by having my mouse pointer in the Last Post date column while I’m scrolling down. That way, if I do see something that looks interesting, I can just move the pointer over to the topic and read the pop up. It is kind of nice to be able to do that without opening the thread :slight_smile: .

Still, no one’s answered the question. I would dearly love to be able to turn them off - they’re really annoying.

No, they cannot be turned off on an individual basis.

Did they get turned of because I am not seeing them today.

Darn and I really liked being able to get the gist of a post before I opened it. Didn’t really find them annoying.

They are still working just fine… :slight_smile:

Hmm… haven’t worked for me all day. Oh well thought I would check.

Wah, I want them back :cry:

I like them.