I have nerve damage. Update: Let me tell you me tale of woe #230

WOOHOOO Fantastic news!

Great news.

Jingles for a complete and easy recovery.


WOOT! Awesome news!

Hope it continues to improve so you are good as new again! Pretty cool what docs can do now!


Great news! Remember to take it slow and steady as you recover.

Wishing you a great ride as soon as you are well.

Woohoo! :smiley:

That ROCKS!!! wishing you a speedy recovery.:smiley:

YAHOO!!! YAY!!! Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy.

Onward and upward! :slight_smile:

Such great news! My best to you!

Great news!



That’s great news!! Jingles for an uneventful recovery

Congrats! That’s wonderful news…nice to hear a good story.

I also suggest to try your hand at carriage driving to spend part of your time instead of always in the saddle. It’s good training for horses too!

That is such great news! So happy the surgery went well. Enjoy the medications and have an uneventful recovery!:slight_smile:

Congratulations! Hoping your recovery continues to go well. Is there any therapeutic riding center that could help you at this stage of your recovery? Just to get you back in the saddle in a doctor-approved fashion so you could work on muscle tone and coordination, and have a lot of supervision?

A hearty, heartfelt congratulations to you…now do what the docs think best for recovery, you will be back in the saddle before you know it.

Congrats! That’s wonderful news…nice to hear a good story.

I also suggest to try your hand at carriage driving to spend part of your time instead of always in the saddle. It’s good training for horses too![/QUOTE]

I would love to try driving, but with the injury I have (had?), sitting in the cart would be extremely painful. I’m a bit limited with what I can do right now with the anesthetic shunt still attached, but it comes off next week and I’ll get to see if my leg is really improved. If I can just sit again, it would be a huge deal.

I guess I celebrated too soon. I started having sharp pain in my side yesterday afternoon, but didn’t get too concerned about it. By morning, I could barely get out of bed, and had to get my mom to drive me an hour and a half to my doctor’s office. It was the longest drive ever. I was screaming anytime we hit a bump.
I was admitted to the hospital and now they are doing tests, tests, tests! I only feel a bit better now that they have me on morphine. I still can’t get out of bed, and I don’t have any answers.

On the plus side, my leg still works.

Oh no. Do they have any idea what is wrong? I’m glad your leg seems to be ok and hope this is just a temporary setback.

Fingers and toes crossed for you.

Not yet. I just had a CT scan, and I finally get to have some food - Jello.

They pumped me full of drugs and it still hurts bad. The new rooster thread made me laugh, which hurt, but it was worth it.