I have nerve damage. Update: Let me tell you me tale of woe #230

Nerves are tricky things, hopefully it’s just some swelling that is irritating it. Don’t get too upset until you know what is going on. Jingles.

Oh no hope its just a tiny set back. Big jingles for a quick recovery!


Hopefully, a temporary setback. I hope that they find the problem and that you are back on the road to recovery quickly.

I’m back home after 3 days in the hospital. Too bad I have worse pain now than I did before my surgery. Life is super. :frowning:

I’m so sorry to hear that. Did they give you any idea of what to expect?

Oh, dear. What have the doctors told you?

Hoping this is “only” part of the healing process.


Jingles & AO ````

Hoping this is just a temporary healing pain that will dissipate with time and meds …

Thinking of you ```

I had a fever so they thought maybe it was a hematoma based on the CT, but the specialists couldn’t agree on what they were seeing so they just stuck me on antibiotics. Fever went away, but not the pain. The other theory is that the nerves they cut are spazzing out and sending mass signals to my brain that they aren’t attached anymore and that they need healed. I was told they should stop on their own, but I don’t know when.

Basically, I’m on way more meds and in more pain than I was before the surgery. Everything sucks.

GG, I am so sorry to hear this. Hang in there and maybe they will be correct.

in the meantime, is there anything I can do for you??


I am so sorry, and hope this is just a bump in the road.

I’m sending many prayers and jingles your way. I hope this is just a temporary setback and that you will be on your way to feeling better very soon.

Gosh, so it’s been 2 weeks since the surgery and while my side is better, my leg is not. I still can’t wear pants. I can’t sit in a chair for more than a few minutes. Stairs are still an issue. I stay in bed basically all day.
But hey, I got a call from my disability caseworker cheerfully reminding me that I am expected back at work on March 1st. Nothing like that hanging over my head to add to my stress. Ugh! :frowning:

GG - I know not all employers have to follow this - but can you get the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for your situation?
I am out on the FMLA and while it does not say I will have my exact job back, my employer has to give me an equivelant one.

also, your surgeon should be telling your work, you cannot work! not like this!

how about retiring on a disability?

I am so sorry. I check this all the time for updates on you.

I am all out of FMLA and nearly out of short term disability. I honestly don’t know why I still have a job, but they have been very patient with me. But, I am just dreading going back to work - 45 minute (if there is no traffic) drive each way + 8 hours in a desk chair.
I tried putting on baggy sweats and sitting in a cushy chair, and I made it all of 4 minutes. That little attempt at normalcy still has me wrecked several hours later. I go see my doc tomorrow so I’ll see what he says. Since this surgery is so rare and not always successful, I have no idea if or when I will be able to do little things like sitting, driving… riding. :frowning:

I really hate doing the whole “woe is me” thing but I’m starting to panic. Retiring sounds nice, but I’m only 40.

If the pain continues past the reasonable post op period, ask your doctors if you might be a candidate for a spinal cord stimulator.

I’m so sorry you are going through this.


GG - I am so sorry to hear all this.

Can you be declared disabled? that is what some folks are asking me for my injury.
I’m sure you have already looked into all the options you have. :frowning:
sending hugs, carefully!

Wow, what a rollercoaster. I know nerves can sometimes take months/years to heal so just try to be patient. I know how frightening and disheartening this can be.

Best wishes for you for a speedy healing!

My doctor says that even though I can’t see it, he notices that I’ve made progress. I don’t look as worn down as I did before the surgery. My husband says the same thing, so I guess I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. I guess I don’t look like :dead: anymore.

Anyway, today he put me on a higher dose of painkillers to get me up and moving around more. Ugh. But maybe I will finally be able to make it out to see my horse.
However, more drugs means I can’t go back to work because I’ve been told I’m not allowed to come to the workplace while on prescription narcotics - even if I’m fully functional on them. I’m pretty sure this is not true. But anyway, my doc says I won’t be ready to go back at the end of the month anyway so he will take care of the disability peeps when they come a’callin.

My husband says I can “retire” if it comes to it and to stop stressing about it.

So, I’m going to try! Thanks again for all the well wishes. They help keep me sane.

ETA: I’m really enjoying my silly Betta thread in the Menagerie. My dorky fish lets me think about something else for a change. :wink:

Yeah, I know it’s hard to think clearly when you’re in pain and on painkillers. But things will get better again. Different maybe, but better :slight_smile:

I’ve been lurking and was wondering how you are doing. It sounds like both your doctor and your husband are supportive, which is great. Any more updates?