I have nerve damage. Update: Let me tell you me tale of woe #230

wondering how it was going. hope it’s getting better and silence is because you’re trying to reclaim life.

Well, I can walk better, but I still can’t sit for any length of time. I can’t do anything normal, like wear anything but pajamas, because it sets off the nerves. Can’t drive…
Sometimes it seems like I’m getting better, but then I’ll do some simple thing that sets it off. The effect doesn’t last as long as it did before surgery so there is that. I’m on a lot of painkillers and whenever I try skipping one, the pain comes back quickly.
My doctor says it’s just going to take a long time to heal. I’m the worst case he’s ever had, and he’s seen a lot. Yay me.

It’s been almost a month since I saw my horse. She probably thinks I’m dead. It’s just me, the dog, and the fish all day. They’re ok company.

Nerves are notoriously slow to heal but you need to focus on the progress. Slow and steady wins the race. Do you need someone to go check on your horse for you?

My back problem and surgery was nothing compared to yours. Not trying to compare at all. But I was dismayed by how long it took for the nerve pain to stop. It was disheartening and depressing.

But it did stop.

Is no one able to take you to visit your horse or is the trip too painful for you?

Can your horse come visit you?

Hope things look up for you soon.

Nerves are notoriously slow to heal but you need to focus on the progress. Slow and steady wins the race. Do you need someone to go check on your horse for you?[/QUOTE]

Aw, that is so sweet, but I have a friend at the farm who is out there almost everyday anyway so she brushes her and feeds her treats for me.
Riding in the car is still very painful so I haven’t been able to go. I think getting non-horsey husband to hook up my trailer, load her up, and bring her to the 'burbs where some nosey neighbor would report a “livestock” alert might be asking a bit much. but believe me, I’ve thought about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Today I got to go outside on this beautiful day. Too bad it was to go have more blood work, but I will take what I can get.
Now they are checking to see if my electrolytes are off because for the past week, when I wake up, I have not been able to close my hands - like to make a fist. That passes and then my fingers twitch for another couple hours which makes it difficult to hold things. I really have to concentrate so I don’t drop anything. This is just almost too much now. I have no idea what is causing this.

I think you should have your barn friend and your husband work together to bring your horse to you for a visit. For every nosey neighbor that does not like “livestock” there will be 15 little girls coming over to pet the horsey in suburbia!!

Horses are VERY good medicine! (Better than fish. Though dogs are pretty good, but not the same…)

are you using crutches? brachial paralysis?

are you using crutches? brachial paralysis?[/QUOTE]

No, just a cane, and I don’t always use it.




You are very very brave…

I’ll say a prayer and wish you luck.

I have a friend who had bone cancer, and had to have his leg removed. Dozens of surgeries, and that was the final result. He was on his way to being a pro golfer, now owns a pro shop. He had phantom pain from time to time, and it had been over 10 years. Pain, while God awful and debilitating, is proof that things are trying to work themselves out. Numbness might feel better, but it wouldn’t be better. You said your leg still works, plus. You can stand, plus. You don’t have to be totally naked, might be a plus, we haven’t seen you naked. You can move about, plus. Hurts like a mother when you do, minus, but so far, you’re still in the plus column.

It isn’t fair. It sucks beyond belief. But you have a goal, a dream. She’s right there, waiting, but… she’s still there. Focus on that and only that.

Phllipians 8 (I think) says focus on what is good and true and faithful . Dwell ONLY on these things.

And dose up on painkillers, sit on a whoopee cushion, and go see your horse.

and your DH is obviously one of the Good Guys.

Thanks again. You guys always make me smile. I think we are going to try to see horsey tomorrow. Yay! Today has not been too bad after a bad morning. We actually went out to dinner - just Corner Bakery, but it was nice to get out.
Then we went to PetCo and my husband had to drag me out because I wanted to save all the Bettas.

And Laurie, if you ever want to ride a Paso, I’d love to meet you. I’ve been enjoying your posts on Facebook. :slight_smile:

Not sure I am worthy (or capable) of riding a Paso but I would love to meet you too especially if there is something I am capable of doing to help you.

Not sure I am worthy (or capable) of riding a Paso but I would love to meet you too especially if there is something I am capable of doing to help you.[/QUOTE]

I’m sure if you can ride a race horse, you can ride The Princess.
She goes pretty fast too - just in gait. :slight_smile:
She likes to try and scare new people by reaching back to her fino roots. Those are the Pasos whose feet move like crazy but there’s almost no forward motion. For some reason this motion really scares a lot of people. It guess it does feel like she’s about to explode. Once you push her out of it, she’ll flat walk like the super nice pleasure horse she is. She’s an incredible trail horse. Now she just sits in the field.

I finally got to see my mare. She looked surprised to see me, but then started mugging for peppermints. She was really dirty. We have nothing but mud right now. I really wanted to brush her, but I wasn’t in any shape to do it. Oddly, there wasn’t anyone else around. It didn’t even occur to me to ask my husband to do it, but he was right there. I am so out of it sometimes. :sigh:
My hubby loves animals but is just not horsey and never really does anything except feed treats and give my horse noogies - yes, noogies. She likes him anyway, and at least he really likes feeding carrots now. We’ve been together 15 years, and he’s come a long way. :lol:

I’m glad you got to see your horse. I spent 11 weeks “don’t even wiggle your toes” non weight bearing and the only thing that kept me reasonably sane was riding my golf cart around the farm

I’m glad you got to see your horse. I spent 11 weeks “don’t even wiggle your toes” non weight bearing and the only thing that kept me reasonably sane was riding my golf cart around the farm[/QUOTE]

We have a golf cart too, but I can’t drive out there to use it. Over a month since my surgery, and I still can’t drive - something I could at least do before surgery. And sitting in chairs… I really miss that too. Yeah, I’m feeling pretty down tonight. I spend all day alone and most nights. My husband can’t sit in the bed and watch tv because it hurts his back (badly) so he sits in the computer room across the hall.

I wish I was seeing improvement, but so far it’s just been worse. I can’t even wear the yoga pants that fit. I’m stuck wearing the super baggy ones to minimize the fabric that touches my skin. I can only wear them for about 4-6 hours before they really start to make me an incoherent mess, so I save them for special occasions like grocery shopping. Whee…
I did manage to help with that this week, and my husband bought me like 4 bouquets of tulips and friesia and iris and gerber daisies while we were out. Except they remind me of another Spring that will pass me by. Geez, I sound like such a pita right now.

I don’t normally wander into the horse forums now because it’s another reminder, but I went and read Off Course tonight and the first thread I read was the one with JSwan’s chicken biddies and I laughed so hard I startled the dog, and he fell off the bed. And so I got to laugh at the dog’s expense. This forum never lets me be depressed for long. :slight_smile:

A goodnight hug.

GotGait - just stopped by the thread to see how you were doing. I’m really glad to hear you got to see your horse. I have nerves regenerating from two surgeries (one to each leg - and another surgery coming in April), but it’s absolutely nothing compared to your story. I admire your strength! Hang in there!

GotGait - just stopped by the thread to see how you were doing. I’m really glad to hear you got to see your horse. I have nerves regenerating from two surgeries (one to each leg - and another surgery coming in April), but it’s absolutely nothing compared to your story. I admire your strength! Hang in there![/QUOTE]

Good luck with your recovery! You know, my leg works so much better now. If I could just get the pain to stop, I’m sure I could ride again - or even if I could get it back to “annoying” level some days. I was riding before my leg completely gave out, but the pain wasn’t at Oxy level like it is now.
One of my neighbors stuffed a magazine article in my door about getting rid of pain without drugs - with stretching! I just chuckled. I know she means well, but nerve pain is not something a heating pad and some stretches can cure. I know back before I knew what was wrong, I’d try to soak it away in a hot bath, which of course did nothing. Nerve pain is just maddening.