I have nerve damage. Update: Let me tell you me tale of woe #230

I’m glad you are doing much better. And yes, nerve pain is maddening. I have had 3 surgeries on my c-spine and still have problems. The constant nerve stimulation also contributed to my right arm freezing up, but I won’t do one of those surgeries. At least not yet.
It takes time. You sound tough, so hang in there!

One person at a horse show heard how much medication that I took and told me I 'd be better off if I just threw it away. Those that don’t have the problems just don’t always understand.

I’m glad you are doing much better. And yes, nerve pain is maddening. I have had 3 surgeries on my c-spine and still have problems. The constant nerve stimulation also contributed to my right arm freezing up, but I won’t do one of those surgeries. At least not yet.
It takes time. You sound tough, so hang in there!

One person at a horse show heard how much medication that I took and told me I 'd be better off if I just threw it away. Those that don’t have the problems just don’t always understand.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I hope you find some relief. :frowning:

It’s so difficult to get people to understand. I always wonder how many people I know think I’m faking or think it’s all in my head. I’ve had a doctor tell me I was just depressed and that I need antidepressants - even though I wasn’t depressed, just in pain. The funny thing is I am on a former antidepressant that was found to be more useful on nerve pain. But screw him. That’s not what he meant.

I’ve been out on disability since September because I cannot function without perscription drugs, and I was forbidden to come to work on them - as if I were “high”. At first I would go to work without them - 45 minute drive in and back on a good day - and I would sit at my desk trying to get through an 8 hour day, but ever increasingly becoming an incoherent mess as the week wore on. I thought I would die on the drive home most days, and I didn’t care. Some how I still have a job, but my short term is up and my long term is starting. I don’t think I will be employed for much longer, but I can’t really blame them. I don’t even think I can “think” on that level anymore. I used to be a high level SysAdmin. I think of myself in the past tense now. It was another life…

Even my husband, after living with this for 2 years, doesn’t quite get it sometimes. IT NEVER GOES AWAY. It never stops. It’s just one unending cycle of pain with no end. Drugs only lessen it, but it’s always there, and now it’s just a part of me. The first nerve block I got stopped it for one hour. It was amazing. The burning was gone and I remembered what it felt to be normal. It came back of course so then the surgery. But it’s still here. I wonder if it will go away one day as quickly as it came.

GG, I’ll say a prayer.

I have some Nuns that have become quite fond of me, as I’ve been helping the children’s school financially.

Hey, our IRS audit only lasted one day. Sister told me they all prayed it would go well.

It did.

I’ll get you on the list.

I’m thinking if you’ve got people with God’s ear, it’s all good.

Thanks for the good wishes and I’m sending them right back at ya! Hopefully things will turn around soon! I do totally get what you mean. Most days I’m just at the “annoying” pain level, but there are days when I have to break out the tougher pain meds. Those days just get to you :frowning: I’m working on having more good days than bad though. Hopefully you can get there too. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you! :slight_smile:

People without chronic undending pain have no idea…My hands are in screaming agony every day…I wish I could gnaw them off…Some days they just hurt. Days like today, I can’t use the bathroom efficiently if you know what I mean. There is no surgical option for me as of this moment, so its anti-inflamatories during the day, narcotics at night so I can sleep…I am however grateful I can sit and stand. If people do not understand, too bad on them…and shame on them. Will pray for continued improvement and recovery for you.

People without chronic undending pain have no idea…My hands are in screaming agony every day…I wish I could gnaw them off…Some days they just hurt. Days like today, I can’t use the bathroom efficiently if you know what I mean. There is no surgical option for me as of this moment, so its anti-inflamatories during the day, narcotics at night so I can sleep…I am however grateful I can sit and stand. If people do not understand, too bad on them…and shame on them. Will pray for continued improvement and recovery for you.[/QUOTE]

I’ve got some weird joint pain going on now too. Came out of nowhere and mainly affects my fingers. Mornings I wake up and I can’t close them, and they remain painful throughout the day. My knees are also bad, but now I have pain pretty much everywhere and it’s not nerve pain. No swelling. I just dont get it. I’ve felt more down than usual because I just can’t win.
It’s pretty hard to feed the dog when I can’t open the package, can’t hold the bowl, and can barely put it on the floor. I feed the dog while my husband is getting ready for work, and I feel so damn useless!
((hugs)) to all of you in pain, and to everyone who cares for us. Someday it’s gotta get better… I hope.

Okay, I’m gonna chime in here…I’m going to try to make a long convoluted story shortish…:slight_smile:

In the Fall of 2009, I slipped and fell in my kitchen. I landed on my right hip, hit my forehead on the wall, and my right palm. The bruise on my hip was the size of a soup plate, but I really had no pain. Soon after, I noticed that my legs were numb down the insides, but I could function quite well in general and everyone said, oh you must have injured a nerve. I had no health insurance and did not see a doctor. I began to notice over some weeks that I was becoming weaker and weaker in my legs…if I squatted, I had no strength to get up. A couple of weeks later, I was walking through my bedroom and stepped over my sleeping dog, who stood up suddenly…I could not control myself due to the numbness, and fell straight down with my toes facing backwards, and my butt on my heels. I broke one toe and severely jammed and sprained all of the other toes and the balls of my feet. At that point, I could not walk other than hobbling on my heels. I was bedridden, and my husband had to deal with all the barn chores. One night, I hobbled to the bathroom, caught my left foot on a towel on the floor, and lost my balance. I fell over backward and landed on my lower back in the worst fall of my life…I knew I did something really bad when I landed, because I felt my inner organs go up and crash down. My husband picked me up and I was completely unable to move. I refused to go the ER.

Fast forward one week later…my eyes turned yellow and I was taken by ambulance to the ER…my liver failed, my kidneys failed…I had to go on dialysis…

I was in the hospital for 3 months. I could not walk…After 6 weeks, I could sit in a wheelchair for 15 minutes at a time. ALL my muscles atrophied. I was told I was going to die and to go home and call hospice.

After 2 months…my kidneys kicked back on miraculously. The jaundice and inflammation went away. I began to believe I would live…but I couldn’t walk at all. Slowly, I was able to get up out of the wheelchair and gradually onto a walker. (I was wheelchair bound 6 months and 2 months on the walker)…I literally forgot how to walk, how to get up out of a chair, etc. I had to relearn all of it.

Fast forward. I am back riding dressage, I have a couple of new horses…

I had a LOT of pain as you describe while recovering. I took no medications after I left the hospital, because I don’t like to take pills (although they really helped with the back pain); however, I found that my body healed better without the medication…anyway…

There is hope, it does hurt like a %&&&%…the pain I had was excruciating at times…terrible burning, numbness, prickly, aching neuropathy…in my legs and feet…for months, and months. I built myself back up with yoga, squats, leg lunges, rubber stretchy things attached to my bed posts, and on and on. A lot of intention meditation, positive thinking…faith. I also discovered the miracle spice turmeric and its analgesic/anti-inflammatory properties…google it. I still wake up with achy joints…oh well…it goes away as the day goes on.

Anyway, I frequently run into people who say, “I thought you were dead”…LOL


Got Gait - I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. Chronic pain is so hard to cope with, and most don’t understand.

I found this thread exchange by googling “spinal cord stimulator able to ride paso fino”.

I have a “failed back surgery”. I got a Paso Fino so that I could ride as my QH I just could not ride. I’ve only been able to ride a little but with great pain. Someone earlier in the thread mentioned you might want to look into a spinal cord stimulator. The idea is that it short circuits nerve pain signals that we only feel because our brain tells us we feel pain. So the pain signal gets interruped as it’s being sent to the brain. I know of a couple people that have it and they love it. It is not a 100% fix - they look for 50% improvement. Because doctors don’t understand horses (they assume horses mean you might be out doing a rodeo) and they especially don’t know or even heard of Paso Finos. I’ve not been able to get a straight answer if I’ll be able to ride my Paso Fino again. Mine does not have the fino gait that yours does and I wonder if I should give her up and when I’m healed look into a smoother gaited Paso. There is a lot to being said to emotional and physical health that horses can bring. I’ve already seen her help me regain strength that I lost. But it will take time for the leads to become “permenant” in the spinal column. I was hoping there might be others on here who knew but there was the encouragement to not give up.

I am on Permenant Total Disability for Fibromyalgia, Interstitial Cystitis and my back problems. As someone who is on disability what I learned is file immediately (you can always withdraw your application). You want it sooner rather than later as they go back and averages your wages determine what disability will pay you and the more time not working your average goes down.

Besides looking into a Spinal Cord Stimulator some of your symptoms sound like you may want to look into seeing a really good Rheumatologist.

God Bless you and keep leaning into God for the strength you need. It’s the only place I’ve been able to find it.

GG, I hope things are better for you soon. The uncertainty of it all is probably a big factor for you too - to know that it will get better, or even to know that it won’t. But we don’t usually get that.

In terms of people not getting it, someone I know online posted this, and it always makes me smile ruefully:

Why does everybody speak so slowly? As if it takes more time to get the words in because I only have one arm.

Thinking of you, GotGait. I just found your thread, and I wanted to let you know that I’m rooting for you!

If I’m close enough, I would be willing To help out if possible… I live in Carroll County.

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I am still in recovery mode. My long term disability was approved without hassle so that was nice.
My dog is helping me rehab. He takes me for a walk everyday. I don’t fall over any more which is a big improvement.
I still can’t sit in regular chairs, wear real pants, decrease my drugs, or drive though.

On top of that, I still have this weird joint/ligament pain - mostly in my hands, but sometimes my feet and knees. I don’t know what is causing it. My fingers actually pop and don’t bend smoothly. In the morning, it’s almost as bad as the nerve pain. I can’t make a fist or hold a spoon. I started taking glucosamine/chrondritin because at this point I’ll try anything. So far it’s not working. So I’m like, great I may be able to ride one day again, but I won’t be able to hold the reins.
Maybe it’s related to menopause? I feel like I’m falling apart and I just turned 40.

And my friend is taking my mare on a trail ride this weekend which makes me depressed. At least my horse will have fun.

I’m starting to really feel down. :frowning:

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I am still in recovery mode. My long term disability was approved without hassle so that was nice.
My dog is helping me rehab. He takes me for a walk everyday. I don’t fall over any more which is a big improvement.
I still can’t sit in regular chairs, wear real pants, decrease my drugs, or drive though.

On top of that, I still have this weird joint/ligament pain - mostly in my hands, but sometimes my feet and knees. I don’t know what is causing it. My fingers actually pop and don’t bend smoothly. In the morning, it’s almost as bad as the nerve pain. I can’t make a fist or hold a spoon. I started taking glucosamine/chrondritin because at this point I’ll try anything. So far it’s not working. So I’m like, great I may be able to ride one day again, but I won’t be able to hold the reins.
Maybe it’s related to menopause? I feel like I’m falling apart and I just turned 40.

And my friend is taking my mare on a trail ride this weekend which makes me depressed. At least my horse will have fun.

I’m starting to really feel down. :([/QUOTE]
Considering that you might be developing depression have you and your doctor discussed Cymbalta?

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I am still in recovery mode. My long term disability was approved without hassle so that was nice.
My dog is helping me rehab. He takes me for a walk everyday. I don’t fall over any more which is a big improvement.
I still can’t sit in regular chairs, wear real pants, decrease my drugs, or drive though.

On top of that, I still have this weird joint/ligament pain - mostly in my hands, but sometimes my feet and knees. I don’t know what is causing it. My fingers actually pop and don’t bend smoothly. In the morning, it’s almost as bad as the nerve pain. I can’t make a fist or hold a spoon. I started taking glucosamine/chrondritin because at this point I’ll try anything. So far it’s not working. So I’m like, great I may be able to ride one day again, but I won’t be able to hold the reins.
Maybe it’s related to menopause? I feel like I’m falling apart and I just turned 40.

And my friend is taking my mare on a trail ride this weekend which makes me depressed. At least my horse will have fun.

I’m starting to really feel down. :([/QUOTE]

:cry: I really hope everything works out. Just know that your horse will be there when you’re healthy, try to stay in high spirits and look at the goal - when you’ll be better. There’s a lot to be thankful even when things seem bleak. Perhaps talk with close friends and family with how you feel and possibly your doctor.

Wish you the best and a speedy recovery! Stay in high spirits.

I can totally understand your frustration and possibly depression but as an outsider who pops in every once in a while to see if there is any improvement, I think you are doing great.
You are doing things that not too long ago you thought you couldn’t ever do again, like walking the dog.
I deal with a small amount of chronic pain and I know how overwhelming that can be to deal with ALL.THE.TIME. You are dealing with much more pain than I am. I would pursue all matter of pain relief, if you can achieve even a little it will make a difference in your mental outlook. Look outside the conventional medicines - meditation gives some people relief.
Keep up the good work, you are progressing more than it seems from your view.

I had my 3 month after surgery check up, and I’ve improved a great deal in some ways. I can walk pretty good now and standing is not as bad. But sitting, now that’s another story. Sitting in any kind of chair is more and more painful every day since last week. I used to be at least able to sit in my puffy recliner or on my sofa. Now the back of my leg fires up.
My neurosurgeon found pain in my femoral nerve back in November when he was evaluating me as a surgical candidate, but the main focus was on my Obturator since I couldn’t walk anymore. He thought that it was possible that there was bleed over from the Obturator going nuts, and they don’t like to decompress both nerves at the same time.
The pain in the back of my leg went away (or I couldn’t notice it through worse pain) after surgery, but that’s what would happen a lot of times after surgery - the nerves would get temporarily paralyzed by the anesthesia and after a couple months would start going nuts again.
So now I possibly have yet another damaged nerve. I gotta go to Baltimore next week to see my neurosurgeon again.
Annnnnnd, my hands are still screwed up, but my leg pain is way worse so I can’t focus on that right now. I went to a rheumatologist and an orthopedist and neither could find anything. Whatever. I’ll deal with it.


Thanks. :slight_smile:
We found this perfect house yesterday. 8.5 acres and a beautiful Williamsburg-style house and not outrageously expensive (for here.) It would be like buying a park and is my dream place. It even has a stream, a koi pond, and a big red fox ran across the back lawn as we were standing on the patio.
It’s nice to have something to think about, but I don’t know if we’ll get it. I have my fingers crossed.

Damn, sounds nice!

It does sound nice, but husband is now really stressing about it. He really likes the place, but he doesn’t like change. He’s also been worried about me for over 2 years, and changes at his job, which while good, are still changes.
So I’m thinking about calling the whole thing off with the realtor. It’s probably too much right now.

There is never a better time to fulfill a dream than RIGHT NOW.

Big gentle hug to you and hubby.