I have nerve damage. Update: Let me tell you me tale of woe #230

There is never a better time to fulfill a dream than RIGHT NOW.

Big gentle hug to you and hubby.[/QUOTE]

Haha, thank you! I will let him know that CotH says we should get it. :smiley:

I spent ALL week traveling back and forth to Baltimore. I ended up getting a sonogram guided nerve block at some big sports medicine place in Lutherville. They had signed Ravens jerseys all over the wall. They asked me how I injured the specific nerve they were blocking. Uh… I don’t even know how I got injured. Falling off horses? I went with that.
The block of course hurt like hell, but then instantly knocked out about 70% of my pain. Whee! Too bad it didn’t even last for the car trip home.
But, now we know where the last nerve is and I’m sure it’s the last one - finally!
The prior surgery fixed my falling down problem, and I can walk pretty good now. I still can’t sit. I kept saying, “Hey, I still can’t sit.” And my one doc kept saying, “That pain will go away.”
And of course it didn’t because it’s been there since December 2010.
I finally emailed my neurosurgeon and told him that I was still having problems, and he poked the back of my leg and decided that yeah, there’s something wrong there. Then he got very excited because he and his partner have been talking about how to fix this nerve and that no one has ever done it before.
Uh… Yay me?
I have to go to Johns Hopkins in a couple weeks to have a super MRI of my posterior femoral cutaneous nerve so he can see where to cut. The formal name is mononeuritis. This will be surgery #7 for anyone keeping track. :wink:
I just want to get it over with. If it works like the last one, I am hopeful I will be pain free for the first time in over two years. Oh please, please, please.

Saying please, please, please along with you. Hoping to hear good news about it soon! Hang in there!

That is the light at the end of the tunnel you are seeing up ahead. Go for it!

Yay! Glad to hear some good news for you! Lots of jingles for you!


Tomorrow I go in for surgery #7. They are hoping to decompress my posterior femoral cutaneous nerve this time. I consider surgery #6 a success since I can walk again, but I still can’t sit in most chairs or drive.
I had a 3 hour MRN (like a super 3D MRI that can see nerves) at Hopkins a couple weeks ago that showed a bunch of damage everywhere but where the pain is. Unfortunately, that is typical for me. I get relief lying down, so when I’m in the MRI machine, the compression stretches out and looks normal. So, we’re flying blind again, but that’s been the case all along. I did have a nerve block of the area that relieved much of the pain. We know it’s there, just not where it is exactly.
They also found damage to my f5 vertebrae and S1 nerve. I do have some pain there, but I don’t think it’s that bad.
I hope this is the last surgery, but I don’t know.
I would really like to ride again. My docs freak out anytime I mention it. I will do it someday.

Keep that uppermost in your mind; it will give you strength.

I will be thinking of you and hoping you get permanent pain relief.


I always say if Peyton Manning can play football, I can ride a horse. Many jingles that this is the answer to your problem and you are on the road to recovery once and for all.

Thanks. :slight_smile:
I had my last food for awhile. Tomorrow is going to be tough since surgery isn’t until 1:30. I always try to get in early, but this time I couldn’t. I hate being dehydrated and without my caffeine fix.


Jingles & AO for you ~

Lots of jingles and good luck that everything goes smoothly! I feel for you not being able to eat anything , never fun!


Thanks. :slight_smile:
I had my last food for awhile. Tomorrow is going to be tough since surgery isn’t until 1:30. I always try to get in early, but this time I couldn’t. I hate being dehydrated and without my caffeine fix.[/QUOTE]

Good luck today.

FWIW U VA hospital allows patients with late surgery to have ONE cup of black coffee early in the morning


Best wishes for successful surgery!

Best of luck for success and a good recovery!

Hi again. I can’t sleep so I figured I’d do an update. This always happens after I get knocked out. I’m exhausted but can’t fall asleep.
Anyway, they found a bunch of tangled nerves in the spot that I had pointed to, so that is great news. The nerves are now separated, but they still may need to be cut out. I don’t want that since the main nerve runs down my back leg. It would be numb probably forever.
I’m in a lot of pain, but I have an ice pack and a husband to push around. :wink:
I am interested to know how it will feel after the surgical pain goes away. There is still one little nerve that I am worried about. Little ones can be more painful than big ones sometimes.
Oh, and I am now almost positive that Lupron caused all this damage.

I hope everyone that was in that line of storms that hit the mid-Atlantic tonight is ok. One friend of mine had all her fences damaged. I was worried about losing power and not being able to get ice packs.

the future is NOW!

Jingles and prayers!;):cool:

Jingles this is the end of the line for pain.

Well #%%€<><>~#!!!
I don’t want to swear but shit. It never ends. I haven’t seen my horse in a month. They found another #^>€>
bad nerve. Always by poking. Poke poke poke “Does this hurt?”
Poke poke poke
“Oh, why didn’t we cut that one out last time?”
You’re the neurosurgeon… you tell me.

I am so frustrated. I’ve been out on disability for almost a year now, and I doubt I will be employed much longer. I don’t even know what happens next. I still can’t sit or drive. :no:

And in case any mods read this, I wish we could have off topic days in celebration of the olympics - and because they cheer me up.

Farethee- WOW. Thank-you for sharing your story. It is very inspirational, what you have accomplished. You are a light to us all.

GotGait - you’ve really become a pin cushion, haven’t you?! What was your original injury? Do neuro issues run in your family? My heart is with you. You are right, a lot of people do not understand chronic pain. What makes it worse is that those people seem to avoid suffering people. Why? Why can’t people be more conscientious and empathetic? It seems likely they are afraid of something. Which just makes your life that much harder. Count me in as someone who is here to listen and support. Focusing on the positive is important, whining is necessary, and not making progress is devastating. I hope you are making progress, even if it is small. Stories like Farethee’s should give us all inspiration, no?