I just want to cry

I can barely hold things lately, its soo frustrating.

I guess im trying for disabilty again? Working is harder each time

I don’t know your story, it sounds like you need a (HUG) and someone to say “hang in there” !!!

RA is cruel.

I take it that you haven’t found a medication that works for you yet :cry:

Scream and cry. Rant and rave.

Hopefully you have a horse to cry on and a cat to mop up your tears. I also hope you are able to get on disability but that there is a fix just around the corner.

(((Hugs))) hopefully disability will help you out! No advice here, but keep on trucking! I’m sorry for your struggle. It’s hard to recognize and accept our own limits.

RA? I assume you are familiar with www.roadback.org ie antibiotic therapy.
The genious theories of the late Dr. Thomas McPherson Brown?

I’ve only followed bits of your story so forgive me if you have tried thi route, but my brother has found that the only thing that helps his RA is going gluten and dairy free. He bought a juicer and basically lives off that.

At any rate many hugs to you. I hope you find some constant relief soon. I had no idea how tough RA was until my brother developed it. He’s only 33.

anks guys, i will look into the site and diet options. I am on sulfasalozine which is the only med i can safely take with my other issues. I know im only 22 and my rheumie’s “baby” patient! My fingers are quite crooked already! Stoopid stephen harper with the whole disability process, i think they didnt even read my first app! Cuz ya know ra miraculusly dissapears with meds!!

Wanted to add sulfasalazine is a antibiotic type

Wow, that is crazy young to have it that severely.

I agree with trying the change in diet as I have also heard of it being a reaction to food.

Hopefully the antibiotics help. Is it possible it is Lyme disease then?

Have they actually ran the blood test for RA or just basing on symptoms?

Not really possible for lyme, she did do blood tests i dont have ramarkers( in that special 10%!) but other markers. It also runs in the family, apparently i won the genetic lottery.

I wish i hadnt “outgrew” CHEO, im findng the adult drs hard to deal with.

I hope you find something that works soon, as well as a good doc.

I know what you mean about the genetic lottery, same here.

If you’re applying for disability I wish you luck in getting it approved.

I’m 20 and have recently acquired severe joint pain. Doctor ran some blood tests and the results “argued against” RA with a definite no for Lupus and Lyme. Some days I wake up and just want to cry it hurts so bad. I have to move out of my apartment in 3 weeks and have no idea how I’m going to manage it. On the upside, I found that at times I can hold a small cup in my left hand without needing to “grip” it. awkward smile hoping people find it at least a little funny

Thanks kk $;-) AIve b
en having a wicked few weeks, on top of a ra flareup i have a asthma one and aam on prdnisone which is making. My stomach sick and my enromitriosis angry( its on my bowels)

Kk there are. 10% of people with ra who will test negative for the ra factors, ask how i know.

Least you can safely use glass glasses, ivegiven up and plastic is my friend, frig i dont care some days i use a sippy cup its less messy if i drop it!