I know the fires are also in other Forums but San Luis Rey in So Cal is being evacuated

New fire in the Bonsall area and San Luis Rey Training Center outside of San Diego is being evacuated.

Horses have been released from their stalls to avoid burning barns. Sounded like first reports on the Lilac Fire were around 1:ish pm ET at 100-150 acres and 500ac at 5:30ish pm ET. 1000 structures are threatened.

Dan Mar is open for evacuees.

Not to downplay what’s happening north of the San Diego area but :eek:

My heart goes out to all the horse owners along with home owners/residents affected by these tragic fires.

no more trailers alllowed in. pictures posted by an exercise rider are wild.

According to current article on BH, Scott Hansen who was saddling a horse at Los Alamitos said he some some of his horses have died but don’t know who… estimates 8-10.

Trainer Sam Scolamieri estimates about half the barns have burned down.

Richard Baltas whose main string is at Santa Anita said his barn is intact and all his horses are in their stalls. Assistant trainer is on the roof wetting things down.

Full capacity at San Luis Rey is 400-500 horses. Del Mar said they can handle the full capacity if needed.

Sounds like many of the vans to evacuate horses didn’t get there in time and getting to the facility now sounds not possible.


Video of San Luis Rey:


live streaming video of San Luis Rey releasing horses with approaching fire. It’s beyond horrendous.


DRF article a half hour ago. Some horses have perished. Many turned loose in the infield of the training track. Some vans got out with horses, but many en route to were turned away once things got worse.

ETA From a FB posting - I guess they are allowing some vans in one-at-a-time.

Not sure if this link will work, I found it on Twitter. Source is @maryellet , who said this is a groom turning Peter Miller’s horses loose to save them.

Absolutely horrific, nightmareish video.

The Bloodhorse twitter account is sharing posts from their reporters with updates.


FB video of evacuations.

These grooms are so brave and unselfish. :cry:


This whole situation is beyond horrifying.


So terrifying!

Very brave and selfless of all those folks to stay and attempt to save the horses.

This is so devastating. A barn I worked in at Fair Hill burned some years ago and it was traumatizing and not be able to stop it. I don’t even want to click on the link of the coverage, I don’t think my nerves can handle it. My heart breaks for everyone who is going through this.

They just showed on TV the horses being turned loose with smoke and fire almost on the barns. With such a fast moving fire, evacuation was too late.

Horrible scene.

horrific. if anyone knows anyone at the track in need of supplies; please PM me and I will send a box of things this weekend their way.

I have found a couple of gofundmes including one that a local tv station is promoting but am hoping to find something a little more direct without so many fees attached. I think the surviving horses will be well cared for as they were upper level horses owned and trained by people with deep pockets. The grooms and exercise riders on the other hand are likely left with the clothes on their backs only. Looking for an HPBA with a horseman’s assistance fund, will post if I find one.


Today Show ran the frightening video of the horses being tuned loose by those amazing grooms. At least they had a few minutes warning to do that…but they said 29 didn’t survive, Don’t know if that’s correct or confused with the 30 that perished when left in a barn the other day. Other videos are running on various stations showing maybe 20 horses loose on already scorched ground…and they are very nice horses, very good weight, you can see the nameplates on the halters…they should be safe as the fire already passed the ground they are on. Hate to think what the sunrise will reveal.

On a positive note, there was also footage of quite a few horses being unloaded that were obviously evacuated by those that had some warning at the first hint they might need to, wrapped and all.

Winds dying, hopefully it’s over…for now. The sickest thing is not all of these are caused by downed wires…

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The CHRB has reported 25 horses dead but that number may rise because they are still trying sort things out. It got so crazy yesterday that horses were just put on trailers with no documentation and some got scattered to farms in the area.

It’s tragic.

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I couldn’t even watch the whole video, the people on the ground did an incredible job saving those horses. Latest news from Paulick Report also reports 25 horses dead:

Absolutely heartbreaking :frowning:

I would agree that the 25 that CHRB says may change as they clear SLR and start really accounting all the horses that were evacuated since not all ended up at Del Mar and many maybe only have their lip tattoo for ID.

Trainer Martine Bellocq is hospitalized and in a medically induced coma with second and third degree burns over 50% of her body. The 3 horses she was trying to save were also lost :frowning:

Trainer Joe Herrick was also hospitalized with third degree burns on his arm and shoulder.

A barn worker was kicked in the face by the horse he was trying to save.

Considering how fast the fire blew up and starting so close to SLR an amazing effort on the part of the workers and volunteers to have lost as few as they did given that about 500 horses were stabled at SLR. SLR is often used to stable horses who day ship to Los Alamitos where there is a current TB meet going on (Los Al picked up some of the old Hollywood Park races). Los Al has cancelled today’s TB card out of respect for the horses and people involved.


TVG just had a short report. The GoFundMe they are suggesting is


It was started by Alexis Garske who is in publicity at Santa Anita.

Over 200 backstretch workers at SLR lost their homes :frowning:

Brittney Eurton and Simon Brey of TVG are at Del Mar this morning to help out.