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I like this picture of me, share yours…

Ok, I don’t like my body, but I am on a journey to change it, 40 pounds down, 60 to go.

I am now horseless for the first time in ever.

BUT, I’m short term leasing this guy, who makes me smile, occasionally I ask the right question and my heart sings.

This was taken at a Working Equitation show this weekend…

I love him, I like me


I’ve posted this one before, but it still makes me smile.
Bugs was just 4, I was at my Very First CT & he was a Rockstar :star_struck:


I was tickled pink at my late mare - first mini event ever and she jumped all the things. And then, I realized that we won the stinkin’ thing! I wasn’t expecting that, and had to rapid-mount for the ribbons part.


Those are the best photos! Congrats!


One of my riding dreams was always to ride cross country. I’ve only schooled an xc course three times, and these are from my third and final time with my heart horse. He retired at the end of the year these photos were taken (he was 21). It was also his third time xc schooling as he only ever did xc with me.

I love these photos because I am a nervous nelly rider and can’t believe I went over the jump in the first photo. My trainer pointed to it in the distance and said do this one to that one if you are comfortable with it. It looked like it was only 2’3 from as far away as I was. Oh boy no it was not, but I trusted that my horse would take care of me and going over it was such a rush. Doesn’t hurt that when riding a giant horse (17.3hh) the jumps don’t feel as big when you just step over them lol. The second one, oh that knee pinch (this was 6 years ago so I’ve definitely gotten better about it). But I was living my dream and had so much fun!


At first, I didn’t like these two pictures. I’m old. Chunky. I look like a purple plum. And looking down…oh the equitation faults.

However, with time…I’ve discovered I love them. I love this horse, and the first picture shows how happy he makes me. The second picture is a lovely moment of softness from him. He isn’t an easy horse. He’s often tense. He’s seriously type A. So to get softness is super lovely.


These are all great! Keep posting.

Okay, this is one of my favorite pictures, and it’s not a “good” picture at all. But I was having so much fun with my horse. It was actually taken while popping a jump (Sorry, Katie!). I was laughing so hard, and it shows in the picture. :grin:


Me and my Rocky Mountain mare Freya (aka Freight Train) after our first Iron Person Equathon last year277776906_10223561539398892_7311886183950444010_n (1)


I love these photos – all the smiles!!

This is very old and very blurry but one of my favorites. I only wish it was better quality so I could frame it. I am the maroon on the right, my sister is the blue on the left - both the bay horses are brothers.


This is me showing my Clydesdale in an Open English Pleasure class about 16 years ago in Kentucky. It’s one of my favorite pictures of me riding.


I went through a phase of being inexplicably anxious about jumping. Anything beyond a crossrail had my heart racing. I’d been riding this guy for a year or so and ended up doing a half lease so I could dink around at my own pace. After a few months, we had sort of an ah-ha moment and everything clicked into place. I trusted him, he trusted me, and suddenly things were fun again.
This picture was taken when we started jumping again and I was enjoying my newfound bravery over 1m. It’s one of my favorites


This was later summer after getting through spring time laminitis in 2021. Photo was taken right after galloping up a nice long incline. Nothing like a good semi bareback gallop!


but I don’t have any pictures of you to share :rofl:

you all look great BTW.


First solo drive after training, 2008. DH had just unsnapped the lead rope and stepped away. I was still working on adjusting the harness–shafts were way too low and too far forward.

This was my daughter’s impossible riding pony–bolted, tried to rub her off on anything available, tried to clothesline her. We just hadn’t found out what he liked to do until I started training him to drive.



My pictures are all old. This one, VERY old. I’m telling you, those breeches had flares. pungo (2) (291x400)

More recent:




I love everything about this picture. This horse fulfilled a lot of bucket list items for me. :heart:


I love this pix of Will and me!! He came into my horse life just when I thought I was easing out --then BOOM! Bought him at an auction and a month later took a clinic in Mounted Archery! He rocks the house and I don’t miss too many targets. At 70 I am starting my 7th year competing.image image|400x500


That’s awesome


Couldn’t get my first photo to load --now don’t know how to eliminate this box . . .


:laughing:{rimshot} :drum:

Wanted to add these:
Apologies as I’ve posted them all on this BB before :smirk:
But, I do like them all :sunglasses:
My 1st VeryOwn horse, TB who never failed to do anything I asked. Perhaps after a bit of ’ tude, but he tried :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Being my Hunter - ending up yearend Reserve AO:

Our 1st Horse Trial:

In Memory:
DH & his TWH at our 1st Rated Event
I’m stage right in the SJ pic