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I think I might be a great horse trainer .

Back in Nov. I bought Bob —saw him on FB, owned by a woman I know, checked all my boxes, saw him, bought him. Everything including the PPE done in 3 days. And I wasn’t looking for a horse. I’ve had Bob six weeks now --we do some mounted archery, a ton of trail riding at the state park, and he’s just completed his second fox hunt. He is everything his seller claimed and he even ground ties, which she did not mention.

Yesterday, Sunday, I am taking two horses to the hunt. I take Bob out of his pen, walk him to the trailer --and out pops my DH who came down to help (sweet man). Bob has an OMG moment because DH was wearing black and it was well before sun-up. At that point, Bob wouldn’t load --despite the fact he has loaded at least 20 times perfectly [self loads]. I try a few things, but DH keeps helping (he’s really trying but it isn’t helping). Finally, I resort to the lunge line through the front, then back around Bob’s booty, and with a good hard pull, Bob loads. Nothing self-loading about it.

Second hunter loads perfectly, and off I go.

Great hunt, Bob is a rock star.

After the wonderful brunch, I go to load Bob and take him home. No. No. No. Bob will not load. My gal-pal wacks him a good one on the booty and Bob loads --but again, this is NOT the quiet, smooth, self-loading that I prefer.

I spend the entire evening after the hunt watching Ty Evan’s videos on loading --there are 3 --total time about 3 hours of video.


Today, bright and early, I go down to the training area, take out a bunch of props that are similar to what Ty Evan’s used in his video, open the trailer, and whistle Bob in --he comes to a whistle --did I say that already?

Bob comes over, I put on his halter. I take a deep breath --and I am fully prepared to spend as long as it takes to get to stage 1 --Bob with his feet on the ramp (stage 2 is head in the trailer --stage 3 is horse completely in the trailer --I think it will take a week or so).

I lead Bob to the trailer --and he walks in.

I take Bob out of the trailer, walk him around the yard, take him back to the trailer and he walks in.

In the course of an hour, I loaded and unloaded Bob six times.

No problem.

Now I understand that the key to being a great trainer is to watch videos. When I do that --Bob learns!!! We skipped all the exercises.

Of course I will do exactly the same thing tomorrow, and the rest of the week until the next hunt, and I’ll move my trailer around the yard.

Maybe I should watch some trick horse videos next . . .


Well done you and Bob!
And Ty.

Now. The next time your DH is in the shower, gather together all his black clothes, bag them, and drive them to the nearest Salvation Army/Goodwill/men’s shelter.

Good luck with the trick-horse vids!

ETA: Unless DH is clergy.


We all wish it was that easy.


Maybe you should get Bob to watch the videos and it will go even faster!


You don’t think Bob watched you shlep all that stuff out to “train”?
To paraphrase:
(Wo)Man plans, Horse laughs!

My 2¢ says Bob has decided the scary Boogeyman is no longer at your farm nor has he found the Hunt.


Ooooooohhhh! I thought the horse was supposed to watch the videos. No wonder it wasn’t working…


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Once I was going to install a flat screen in my horse’s stall so that he could watch suggestive self-improving videos at night, and learn what he was supposed to do during daytime rides

Thank you so much for this informative thread, OP. Now I know that I am the one who needs to watch the videos.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thank you for the morning laugh! That’s great!

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Literally laughing so hard that I hurt!

Can you please come over and train my horse to trailer load for me? :laughing:


If u are truly interested in training ur horse to load, then I suggest Ty Evans 3 part video on loading. The main take-a-way is the your horse doesn’t have a loading problem, he/she has a leading problem. :blush:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Love this. Thanks for the morning laugh

Does it work for riding too?

Can I just watch a video of (say) Rolex back in the day and be ready to take the ponies out and jump them around the KHP course? :rofl:

(Off to YouTube!)


@chestnutmarebeware : based on my experience with Bob, this is exactly what you should do!


Woo hoo!

Watch out, Boyd Martin, William Fox-Pitt, Michael Jung and all you other “champions”!

chestnutmarebeware is coming for your medals! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


:grimacing:Note to Self:
Do not watch Man From Snowy River before saddling up…


But as long as you saw the movie, you’ll be ok. You’ll stick in the saddle going down that vertical slope at a mad gallop, horse only barely sticking to it themselves. It’s fine, everything is fine.


I was impressed by that as a child, even more impressed these days!

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OP should go watch videos of winning the lottery – and then share th winnings with all of us!