I want to jump for joy!! Getting over fear...

The Story:
I’m an adult sigh rider who was back in the saddle for about 3 years, inconsistently, when I took two falls that hurt me very badly, and left me with traumatic fear…about mounting. Can’t very well ride if you can’t get on the horse. It got to the point that even leading my horse made me cry and shake if anything went wrong at all. I ended up taking a year and a half off of riding and was considering never riding again (which made me very sad).

I started riding again with the help of a very good local trainer (and xanax). The first month was rough, and took me a lot to get through. The second month has been better, and I’ve started riding MY horse again (who is not the horse I had the falls from - that horse left the barn a long time ago). My horse also had a year and a half off.

This was us this morning…


Do we look rough? Yep. Do we have areas of improvement? ABSOLUTELY!

But I’m riding again…on an OTTB who is green to arena work (though he’s hunted) who also had a year and a half off - and doing it with no reins to boot :wink:

I want to share my joy with EVERYONE! And know that…it does get better - even with panic attacks and paralyzing fear at the thought of mounting. I’m not 100% through my journey yet (haven’t tackled riding outside yet, nor have I tackled anything tricky) but…it now seems doable.

Thanks for listening…I’m just jumping for joy here…and only horsepeople I think would truly understand.

Yay you!!! It feels great doesn’t it? :smiley:

It is! It’s an amazing feeling…I’m sooo grateful to my trainer and to my sweet sweet horse - he’s the bees knees! He’s getting a big ol’ peppermint wreath for Christmas!

Thanks so much for posting and for the inspiration. GREAT JOB!!!


It’s so amazing when you get over a fear hurdle.

Thanks for posting that! Yippee! That is HUGE. And your horse looks like a real sweetie.

Great job, it’s a wonderful feeling isn’t it! I had two falls from my horse while mounting so I know where you are coming from. I now have a different horse but mounting still makes my heart race. If I feel really unsure about the situation then I have someone stand next to my horses head while I get on. Two days ago with high, cold winds, construction machinery near by beeping and roaring my horse was dancing around spooking at everything. I choose to lunge instead. I felt a bit like a looser but it was the right thing to do. The next day she was back to her usual calm self and we had a great ride. :lol:

That is wonderful!

That is amazing!!!Great job, I have student that would not drop the reins if I paid them!!!

Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the support :slight_smile:

So glad I could share. I was pinging around the house and everyone was looking at me a little funny!

So glad for you!!! What a major step to be able to over come your fear!!! You are so lucky to have found a trainer that is able to work with you where you are emotionally.

I wish you well and pray for continued success!!

So Happy for you :slight_smile: You look great and what a good pony you have.

Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. And he is a very very good guy :slight_smile: A total sweetheart!

WAY TO GO!!!:yes: I am so happy for you!! I know what it’s like to have fallen and get seriously hurt and the fear that follows. You will overcome this! Keep up the good work!!!

WOO HOO way to go!!!:smiley: You look great, and your horse looks like such a good boy. You give me hope that I can get over my own fear issues. :yes:

Congratulations and keep up the great work (I know you will!)

Huge props to you - I know first hand how big those mental hurdles can be. And your horse? Is darling!

Congratulations!!! You should be so proud of yourself, those are tremendous accomplishments!!!

Way to go!

(as someone who’s considered it, how much do you attribute to the Xanax?)