Ice Boot Reccomendations

Looking for suggestions and opinions on Ice Boots for my mare. We mainly do eventing with some jumper competitions every now and then. I found some past conversations about this, but they were pretty old posts.


The Drew boots are great.

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My only experience is with the Majyk Equipe ice boots.

They stay cold for a long time- way longer than 20 minutes and conveniently fit into a yeti cooler. I use them on myself sometimes after a long run :sweat_smile:

The only thing I don’t like about them is the plastic connector for the air pump tube. The plastic gets very brittle in the freezer so if you freeze the boots disconnected from the air pumps, it’s hard to reconnect the air tubes and you may snap the connector (which I did :frowning: ).


I got the lemiuex (sp) ones because all the ice packs that come with the boots don’t stay cold long enough, and the big mesh pocket lets me stuff them with better stuff (snow, if you’ve got it - otherwise I use a bag of peas or something that will conform to the leg).

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When rehabbing a torn SDFT, I tried the Majyk Equipe ice boots. The plastic connector for the air pump broke on one of the boots the second time we used it. I returned them and purchased the Professionals Choice ice boots, and they worked well.

I’ve had good luck with the Ice Horse boots if you’re looking for the ice pack style - I can take the ice packs with me, packed in a cooler, and still have them cold 4+ hours later to ice after a lesson or cross country school. I bought a pair to use on hind legs after a superficial tendon injury behind; I continue to use my big whirlpool boots to ice the fronts - it does take about 2 - 3 bags of ice depending on the size of the bags, time of year, etc. but they tend to get the legs colder than the ice packs, and have the benefit of icing the foot as well.

I have a friend who has the Drew boots and they seem to work well also, as well as being easier to store than the big whirlpool boots.

Second the Professional’s Choice recommendation - I have the smaller 6-pocket size for my 16h TB. They store away easily and the smallest bag of ice is more than enough to fill them. I find they work best if the legs are wet when you put them on - seems to conduct the cold better. Would probably work best with crushed ice, but regular cubes have been good enough for my needs.

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Sound horse technology boots or jacks whirl pool boots. I have the drew boots which are great for traveling but I don’t like them as much

I use the CoolAid polo wraps. I like that you can get both compression and icing at the same time.

If I am going to a show, to save time, I will pre-wet them the night before in a ziploc bag and put them in the fridge. When I get up early to get ready, I throw them in the freezer for about 1 hour and then transfer them to my cooler surrounded by ice packs. Usually, they are about perfectly ready to go later in the day, just unthawed enough that I can get them wrapped around my horse’s legs but still “ice” enough to do their job.

we just taught our mare to stand in a muck basket of ice water, hung a hay bet for her to eat, for long term icing she would watch TV, the old series Mission Impossible was her favorite to as there was a lot of on screen action

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