I’ve been talking to a few people about this, many remembering the ICE raids at a horse show in Chicago and more recently (within the past 5-10 years) the one at Thermal. I personally know barns that went to Thermal and only took their guys with documents or were going to hire grooms IN Cali. They were too scared to take their help from home anywhere close to the border or through checkpoints (you have to go through one in TX to get to Thermal).
It was disheartening to read a lot of comments on the TPH Thermal group this morning raising questions about this very thing. People in the industry (that likely rely on illegal grooms) were stating they should be legal and wouldn’t have this problem. It was gross. A lot of people also piping in that they’ve tried to get their grooms legal but the process is incredibly expensive and you’re met with a ton of challenges.
But I’ll bring the question here. Is a horse show ground (like DIHP) considered private property with public access or is it public property? Would ICE need a warrant to enter the horse show grounds of somewhere like WEF, DIHP, or even Katy during their winter shows?