ICE The elephant in the room

Just as an aside in response to a comment that an undocumented migrant (whatever their ethnic background) can marry a U.S. citizen and Voila! problem solved.

My understanding is that it’s not that easy. The undocumented migrant has to leave the U.S. and apply for a green card from outside the U.S. They also have to submit a formal request for a pardon for having resided in the U.S. illegally. All of this takes a lawyer, lots of time, and lots of money, in addition to a willingness to live separately from one’s spouse for whatever time it takes. (Unless of course the spouse moves to the non-U.S. country, which probably just opens up another can of legal worms).

And, as others have noted above, undocumented migrants do pay taxes, and often receive very little direct benefit from having done so.


It is not. The process can take YEARS - it takes ages for people marrying a US citizen who were never in the US at all. Add in the complications if the person was here undocumented at any point and it gets worse.

Rarely does the world work the way we think it does, or the way we want it to. Reality is that the beast of government moves slow, even when everything is done well and working perfectly.


I’m not sure what industry you work in, but the main issue here is that there’s no legal pathway for individuals to come to the U.S. and work year-round in agriculture—such as working as a groom. While there are visas like the H-2A for seasonal agricultural workers (for tasks like picking citrus), they only cover temporary roles. (Additionally, the process of sponsoring someone for an H-2A visa can take the business owner anywhere from 4 to 6 months to complete). This visa is designed for seasonal work, so it doesn’t cover year-round positions, which is why it doesn’t work for industries like dairy farming or horse boarding.

Your coworkers probably came here on an H-1B visa, which is typically used for people with specialized skills, training, and knowledge (like those with PhDs or master’s degrees). This visa is often the most direct route to a green card and eventual citizenship (like it was for me). However, it’s limited by a cap, and there’s been talk on the campaign trail of eliminating it altogether. Most farm work, including animal care, certainly requires experience and “hands-on” knowledge, which isn’t something necessarily gained through a formal graduate school program. This makes it difficult to qualify for an H-1B visa for farm-related jobs/jobs in the horse industry.

There are also J-1 and TN visas, but those are intended for exchange programs, and many require workers to return to their home country for several years before they can reapply. It’s hard to imagine a barn owner sponsoring someone for a year of “training”, then having them wait five years before returning.

And so, in my state (Iowa) and nearby Wisconsin, about 80% of animal farm workers (particularly dairy) are undocumented. Farmers in these states have been lobbying for changes to visa programs to allow them to legally hire workers for this type of year-round agricultural work. It’s a growing issue not only for the dairy, hog, and meatpacking industries but for the horse industry as well.
Both farm owners and immigrant workers would prefer legal pathways, but the current system doesn’t address these needs.

What’s the Solution?
There needs to be a new visa option that allows people to come into the U.S. legally to work in agriculture and be fairly compensated. The proposed revised H-2A visa which was part of the bipartisan Affordable and Secure Food Act last year unfortunately failed in the Senate. It sought to expand the H-2A visa program to include year-round agricultural workers and offer a path to permanent residency for those in the field. This bill had passed the House with strong bipartisan support (overwhelming votes from both Democrats and Republicans). This bill could have helped address a severe labor shortage in agriculture (with the higher food costs consequences, etc). Unfortunately, the bill faced opposition in the Senate - and to avoid making this "political’, we’ll leave it at that.
But basically, we (as in us involved in the ag. world through our “ponies”) need a bill like that to pass.


I spend a great deal of time at the track and at sales. The rule among all the trainers and riders I know is, if you’re in danger, you let go.

Fwiw, this is one of our young horses at Keeneland racetrack a couple of weeks ago. Freak thing: the horse got spooked and went up, rider came off and let go. Both I (owner) and the trainer were glad he did.


Not so fortunate here which is why none of my patients no longer sport hooves.

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I know several South American barn workers who are here legally and they take turns. One stays however long on his visa and then he goes home and another comes, and they rotate. There are ways to do it legally.


Yes, but only on a temporary basis since they are taking turns - not as a way to citizenship as the previous poster Nikki seemed to imply.


No of course not but they are here legally. I’m ok with that.


I’m just really glad you posted this. Hard workers /loyal help is so hard to find.

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One of my students grew up on one of the fancy hunter/jumper facilities in the area. His dad is a top groom. The child was born here I believe, I’m not sure about his parents’ status (we never know and never ask). The child is now a senior in high school and one of my top students in my AP class. I would be willing to be arrested if it meant keeping him or his family from being deported.


Decision makers did put forth a bi partisan Immigration bill in 2024…but we all know what happened when a certain candidate decided he needed to run on immigration…


Yes! It took my old boss who came legally on work visas a long time to go through the system.
He was here on a green card when I was hired on & had been here for multiple years.
Every so often he’d have to go home for X months as he redid his paperwork.
Eventually married a US Citizen. From his marriage to US Citizenship, it took ~6 years.


I think a lot of people who bought McMansions on large lots are going to have to start cleaning their own homes and mowing their own properties. Most of them voted for this …


I have heard in the last day or two that ICE has been very present around horsey areas in Wellington and Ocala. Any truth to this?

Probably true at least for Ocala.
Local Orlando news showed 12
Arrests yesterday. Orlando stations also cover Ocala/ Marion County.

This week is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.


It’s long past time that the equine industry stops relying on undocumented, underpaid workers for labor. The industry has been exploiting these people for decades and it hasn’t been a problem until the cheap labor is going away.

I understand the concern for certain individuals, and I share that. But as an industry, it’s distasteful for people with six figure horses spending six figures plus a year showing to rely on such labor markets and it long since needs to change. As barns don’t seem willing to do it themselves, this was inevitable.


But the whole industry isn’t six figure horses and McMansions. In my area, and in the majority of my experience, it’s a lot of middle class people (mostly women and teens) who are trying their best. Of the barns in my area, I cannot think of a single one that doesn’t employ a Mexican groom. Their citizenship status is nothing I can comment on as I don’t ask. Most of these grooms are paid well, several are housed, many are fed while working, and every interaction I’ve had and seen with them has always been polite. All to say, making sweeping generalizations helps no one. There are bad apples and room for improvement everywhere. But the workers in my area (who may be so prevalent as there is a race track about 10 miles away) are good and hard workers who are treated well and valued. FWIW, my barn has helped previous grooms with the citizenship process and has offered to assist any new grooms but my BO was a bit weary of the process due to the length, cost, and complexity.

This line of conversation always has me wondering - what is the realistic replacement or change that you would like to see with regards to labor in the horse industry?

As someone who has worked as a groom/ stable hand and in other roles, I absolutely won’t be filling any of those roles again. I enjoy my PTO, my health insurance, working indoors, working set hours, etc etc. I don’t know what demographic would fill this void. I don’t think it will be teens - they are too busy and many who are working are already working “real” jobs (my company just hired a 17 yr old genius part time and I’m sure he’s making more than fast food or labor will ever pay).


Rich people have been exploiting poor people since time began. It didn’t just start with horse owners. And as another poster stated there will be the McMansion set looking for someone else to do their yards and clean houses.

Hey I know! Stop welfare and make those lazy sods go to work… cleaning and gardening for rich people. Eh? /s


Though there’s a general hatred for barn owners here, I’m one now, and I also have worked managing a barn and cleaning stalls for the last 35 years.

It is thankless, hard, hot, sometimes freezing, dangerous, work.

While owners love to say their pookie has great ground manners, I’d say that the number of horses that I’ve ever handled that were NOT my own who had what I would call great ground manners could be counted on one hand. And I’ve handled a LOT of horses.

And even so - one of my horses who had superb ground manners will lose the plot when bugs etc are bad and requires skilled handling at that point. No amount of training has been able to sink that into his noggin although all it takes is a firm reminder to put his brain back where it belongs, and that requires someone who isn’t afraid to bump the lead rope and tell him to knock it off. Surprisingly hard to teach people how to do that.

Part of it is that what you see when you come to groom and ride your horse and what we deal with at turn out/in/etc are almost two completely different animals.

And then the other part is that most people undervalue manners. Especially on the English discipline side. I’ve been battered by more dressage horses than I can shake a stick at.

You do need skills to work in a barn, and though you can train someone to clean a stall (although even that is debatable lol) horse handling and care is not easy. At least not if you want quality care.

I do not employ Hispanic workers (although my last name is Hispanic, and I suppose I technically employ my husband rofl) but I would if I could. Not because I could exploit them, good lord no, but because the work ethic and the ease with which many handle horses is just unparalleled. In part that’s because many were agricultural workers elsewhere and the horse is huge in Spanish culture in general, even if we have some differences in training and horsekeeping practices. My husband’s cousin is a relatively recent immigrant and we had great conversations about the differences in horse care - he left his country in part because someone kept stealing his beloved horses.

I don’t need much help because I do much of the work myself at my barn, but the Americans that I’ve hired are awful. The young people have been flaky, and the older workers just…zero judgement and poor communication. We had one gal who had been a pretty decent worker just completely ghost us. I still have her last paycheck. She just didn’t show up to feed one day (I did check her socials, she is alive). No idea - weirdest thing ever.

I pay well and I provide housing and still it’s really hard to get instructions followed. And tbh, I hate micromanaging people so it’s a struggle for me, I shouldn’t have to repeatedly tell you to stuff the hay bag full or how to hang it. Or turn off the hydrant. Or tell me if the grain bin is getting low. Or whatever. Or cross the blanket straps. Blah.

This WILL have a ripple effect on the equine industry, which is an industry that is barely hanging on as it is. No matter what you believe about the status of immigrants, we had best be prepared for prices to go up on everything.