This is a photo of Erynn Ballard and Ezarka De Belheme.
Where can I find this hackamore? Looks like the cheeks can swivel.
This is a photo of Erynn Ballard and Ezarka De Belheme.
Where can I find this hackamore? Looks like the cheeks can swivel.
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I don’t think so, what you shared is a hackamore bit combo (hackabit), and unless my eyes are worse than I thought, I don’t see a bit in the mouth of the horse in the picture in the OPs post. I’m willing to be proven wrong by someone with crisper eyesight though.
Here is another photo of the horse from Sun, but it’s not hi res so it’s really hard to tell exactly what the hack is. I do see what appears to be gag cheeks so I assume there is some sort of bit rigged as well? But perhaps separate than the hackamore. Maybe this helps someone ID!
Oh oops. I was busy staring at the shank I didn’t notice it was a bit
Damn, now I’m not sure! In the first picture it looked like a hackamore, but in this picture I’m not sure…looks like there’s a bit in this picture.
I looked at higher res pics on SportFot, and it really looks like a hackamore and a separate loose ring gag. The gag rings are almost so small they look like a bradoon? If you search the horses name on SportFot there’s some good pics of the set up in WEF week 1, I can’t get the link to work right.
Edit - maybe this will work?
great photo for sleuthing @tagsalong
But the rings part of the bit and attachment to the non-hackamore rein is interesting!
Oh! That’s a verdun gag / hackamore combo.
A verdun gag is basically a very small, typically plain mouth piece (single jointed), that you can add as a second bit (like a double bridle).
COTH is the best! Thanks for the super-sleuthing! I’m always very curious about particular jumper hackamore. My gelding goes best bitless, but I still need something substantial enough for jumping.
Does anyone know where I can find the shanks on this hackamore? Most of the ones I have found are flat (see link to Stubben below) and seem like they might dig into the face if you have direct rein bend.
Might be similar to this hackamore from Toklat?
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