Ideas on where to get a mini donkey

A close friend of mine wants to buy a small or mini Jenny for driving. She would prefer that the Jenny already know how to drive.
Does anyone know of someone who might have something?

Are they familiar with managing minis? They have different care needs than larger ponies and horses by needing very restricted diets. Extremely easy to founder them with free choice grazing or hay, a quantity of grain fed daily . They stay well rounded on tiny amounts of hay or grass. And donkey can live 40 years!

Location would be helpful .


There are still some mule and donkey buy and sell groups that haven’t been run off fb.

She has three minis, and has a great setup for them. She is in Florida.
Many suggestions on these groups?

Mules & Donkeys, and Donkeys Needing Homes are the two big national ones that I’m familiar with. I’m in others, but they’re all localized to the western states.

I would look into local driving and donkey groups. Breeders should know trainers and both might be able know of what is available. Good luck!

Glad to hear she knows how to manage minis with food. So many folks don’t, with animals getting damaged during the learning curve.

She might check with local driving clubs found thru the American Driving Society website. I am Midwest here, so auctions could be a looking place. She might consider mini mules too, I see those around from time to time. The long ears are “different” in their thinking, so she should not expect horse type responses to anything. They need to really understand what you are asking them to do, trust you not to hurt them, before they do it.


Depending on where she is in FL google “miniature donkey breeders” and start from there. If she’s in the panhandle she can visit GA & Alabama farms. There is probably a national miniature donkey association of some sort that might also be able to help with the search.

Since she has miniature horses she’s already aware of the issues that can be found in smaller equines. Be careful in the search and pay close attention the mouths.