IE9 Problems -- "The message you have entered is too short..."

If you are having trouble posting to the forums with Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), look up next to the URL and you should see an icon that looks like a broken page. This is the compatibility view icon. Click it, it will turn blue, and you hopefully will be able to post. And how do I know this works? Well, if this post makes it through then I just tested it out!

Thanks so much Harold (and welcome!) ~

We did receive a couple of messages about folks who’d upgraded having trouble, so we’ve sent a message to our tech crew to look into it.

In the meantime, we’ll pass on your suggestion.

Thanks again!
Mod 1

I’m one of those folks!:smiley: Thank you for the advice and thank you Mod 1 for emailing me to let me know. I was becoming a lurker more than a poster.:cool:

Just an update that we’re on the docket for our tech team’s site repair list so we’re copasetic with IE9.

Thanks to those affected for their patience!
Mod 1

Thanks! Have been having problems with IE-9 as well.

Well, this is just too stupid. On AOL there IS no ripped paper icon at all. So I had to come to IE to find the ripped paper.

But even IE would not let me post until I clicked on the ripped paper thing-y. So what is the deal with that? I thought this was just an AOL problem?

And, now over here I do not have my favorites list or access to my mailbox with my address book and my sent and received archives.

I tried to download AOL.8 but I cannot do that.

COTH – When will your tech department be fixing this glitch? I see that this thread was started 2.5 months ago, yet my first problem only occurred 4 days ago!


It’s not just COTH - there are two other BB’s that I belong to that are having problems as well. Apparently the problem is not easily dealt with?

[QUOTE=Lord Helpus;5648387]
Well, this is just too stupid. On AOL there IS no ripped paper icon at all. So I had to come to IE to find the ripped paper.

But even IE would not let me post until I clicked on the ripped paper thing-y. So what is the deal with that? I thought this was just an AOL problem?

And, now over here I do not have my favorites list or access to my mailbox with my address book and my sent and received archives.

I tried to download AOL.8 but I cannot do that.

COTH – When will your tech department be fixing this glitch? I see that this thread was started 2.5 months ago, yet my first problem only occurred 4 days ago!


I’m not sure when you posted this message in relationship to our emails re: your access problems, but based on the screen shot you sent me, I’m thinking your trouble was AOL-related, not IE9-related.

We’ve had long-standing issues with AOL not really logging in users, even though it looks like you are, so being sure to click the “remember me” box when signing on with AOL can be helpful, per this thread.

I haven’t received a status report from the tech crew in a while re: the IE9 compatibility issues, but we’ve heard very little negative feedback from users re: it, so I’m not sure how much of an issue it continues to be.

Anyone continuing to have trouble can get in touch with us via the “Contact Us” form from the blue bar at the bottom of the page, which doesn’t require an account or successful log-in to utilize.

Mod 1

THANK YOU, Harold! Problem fixed!

OMG> Thank you!

Thanks for the IE9 solution…I wondered WTH was going on!

Just a heads up that there are plans for a forums software upgrade, which should hopefully address the issues with IE9. It shouldn’t dramatically affect things (famous last words)–it’s just getting the current version of the software we already utilize implemented.

The upgrade should also give us some more options in terms of features, such as a mobile app for the forums, etc.

We’ll give folks a heads-up before we make any changes though. :slight_smile:

Mod 1

not fixed yet…

Dang. More than 4 months later and we just changed to IE9 … and I lost my abilty to post on COTH. Hasn’t seemed to affect anything else I do on-line, but what an annoyance on an OT weekend! Many thanks for this sticky.

I’m so glad I found this topic, because I was about to throw my computer through the window trying to figure out what the deal was!

Any idea when the fix for this problem will take place?

The last update I received was that we were going to undergo a vBulletin software update (to a newer version of the platform the forums run on). The new version should address the IE9 issues. It would also enable us to potentially offer a smart phone app and likely also involve creating a universal log-in system between the main site and the forums, but there are some logistical and financial issues to work out to make that happen.

I’ll check in to see where we are in the process. Thanks all for your patience and understanding!

Mod 1

I just solved my IE9 problem and thought I’d post this in case anyone else has the same issue – I had no ripped paper icon! But I found “compatability view” under TOOLS and it seems to have worked – I’ll know in a second when I press POST!

Thanks JoZ!




I tried the compatibility view, and I still get a blue screen box to post in. By the way, now I can’t get to pg 2 of this thread, either.

I guess pg.2 disappeared.