IF you were to hear about a community like the following (it doesn’t exist in my area to my knowledge; I’m just wool-gathering) would you be interested in moving there? Assume a really awesome HOA full of smart, experienced, reasonable adults who understand leadership (humor me, people).
Also assume:
- Well-maintained community ring(s)
- Several-acre-pasture turnout and also dry lots and a track system
- Trail system of at least 15 miles
- Full board available (for a fee)
- Hospital within 30 minutes
- Places to work (maybe not a big city, but something) within 30 minutes
- Community hot tub and pool/small community building
- Clusters of single-family homes and townhomes, most with rental access to a couple acres each of adjacent land.
The bulk of the land and the horse amenities would be privately owned and maintained according to landowner’s preferences, like it or lump it, so as to manage at least some of the whining about what should be this and what should be that and clique A wants to turn this community pasture into a soccerfield, and clique B wants to allow ATVs on the trails, etc.
What would allow you to move? What would make you say, “This is exactly what I was looking for.” What would make you say, “It’s not for me?”