If you’re subscribed to a million threads from the old site and would like to start fresh, a moderator can go into your account through the Admin CP and delete them all.

If you’d like that action performed for you, please request it in this thread.

This action is NOT selective. It will delete ALL your current subscriptions, so you will have to go back to add in any new threads to which you want to be subscribed.

Mod 1

I would love all my current subscriptions to be deleted. Thank you!

I never pay any attention to these Notifications.
Please delete all on my account

OtherwIse I am finding the new BB just as easy to navIgate - if not a but more friendly - than the old.
Got my Avatar, got my Sig line… I am one Happy COTH Camper :smiley:

@rockonxox @2DogsFarm

Done and done! I think that actually worked. :smiley:

So glad to hear you’re enjoying it 2DogsFarm…I think we’re turning the corner getting it up and running. Hopefully, only better and better from here.

I would like all of mine deleted as well, please :slight_smile: Thank you so much! Loving the new site!!


So glad to hear that – thank you!

Since I didn’t have a million… :slight_smile:

I deleted all my subs from the first of the year so I’m happy. But, if you’re bored or want a task that will be successful, feel free to delete all mine as well :slight_smile:

Am I the only one who sometimes will include a task on a To Do list that I’ve already done that day, just so I can cross it off and feel better about my productivity?

You’re all cleared out…thanks!

Please delete all of mine.


Ok, this made me laugh but I totally get the desire to occasionally have a very simple task to do so that I can occasionally feel successful and proud of something I’ve accomplished instead of continuing to beat my head against the wall (or keyboard) :lol:

And thank you!! Glad I provided an opportunity to help you feel better about yourself :wink:

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I’d appreciate mine being deleted. Thanks!

I’d like mine deleted as well. Thank you for the offer.

@vineyridge @Renn/aissance @RainyDayRide

​​​​​​​All set. Thanks!

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Please delete mine.Thanks!

@MsM Gotcha!

Please delete all of mine too. Thank you!

@LauraKY All set!

Thank you @Moderator 1!

Please delete my subscriptions and any posts from Forums. Thank you!

Once you start a thread it’s there it won’t get deleted. Like you were told on other post, deleting your OP is as good as it gets.

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