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If you were going to be in Wellington after noon on Jan 28, what would you do?

If you are going to be in Wellington Jan 28, want to meet up?

I’ve been told CDI GP is Saturday evening? If so, I obviously should check that out!

I get off a cruise ship that morning, and fly out the next day. So, I figure if I’m so close why not at least try checking out Wellington? It is tentative because if I feel at all possibly sick I won’t be going.

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Without looking at the calendar for specific ideas, I would say it’s always worth checking out the horse show and the surroundings in Wellington. Many of the nearby farms are incredible if you have the chance to just drive around the neighborhood to see them.

There are also a bunch of tack shops, both on the show grounds and in the immediate area. You might want to bring an empty duffel bag and a healthy credit card, just in case. Lol.


Saturday is the Grand Prix Special and U25 GP (and a bunch of other classes). You might be thinking of the Friday night GP Freestyles.

Prize list for the show is here:

Unfortunately, Fridays on both ends were not doable. I knew about that, and someone told me Saturdays were GP. I guess that’s specifically the GPS! Thanks for the PDF, that should help when I get to go through it!

Outside of Global, there is the Saturday night lights Grand Prix (jumping) over at PBIEC. Starts at 7pm.

Awesome shopping at Tackeria, Tack N rider, Tatos, vendor rows at both show grounds.

Non horsey things include Lion Country Safari and Panther Ridge (my personal fav for a non horsey guest).

Both excellent suggestions.

Lion Country Safari is extremely fun, and you can hand feed the giraffe at the end of it. :slight_smile::giraffe: :slight_smile:

Ride times for the CDI GPS will probably start at 9am on saturday, so you may not have many rides remaining by noon. The afternoon classes this past weekend were the U25 and it was done around 1:30. The CDI will be 3* and 4* for wk 3 so it might run a little later but I’d expect it to be a morning class. The evening classes are always on Friday.