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Ignore Feature Glitch

Right now there is a post that has three replies in a row that quote somebody I have on ignore. The first two posts only show that person’s name, without the text of their quote. Then the third post shows the person’s whole quote in the gray box.

Not sure what’s up with that, but I thought I would add the information for diagnostic purposes.


Some of my forever ignores disappeared, or more accurately reappeared in my timeline. I added them back on in my preferences, but this was a first for me. I’d say it happened in the last couple of days.

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Same thing happened to me a couple of days ago – someone I had on ignore was no longer on my ignore list when I checked my preferences.

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I was just half way through a discussion on the Current Events forum when the ignore feature stopped working. When I look at my preferences, it shows those people as being ignored, and yet, their posts are showing up.

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