I was so happy to read about the Ignore User function. I would like to know if you can still receive PM’s from a user that you have placed on your Ignore List? Not, that I would want to receive any from ‘that/those’ user/users’… I am hoping it would block out those as well?
How do we set our preferences to ignore a certain user? I’ve been trying to figure this out with no success. Thanks.
What does the ignore feature do if it doesn’t block PTs?
From the help files
I was curious too so I found this in the help files:
By adding someone to your ignore list, those messages posted by these individuals will be hidden when you read a thread.
The Ignore user function is an option under the USER CP (control panel). I KNOW it doesn’t show the IM’s (Ignored Member) messages. It shows up just that they have posted with a the message box reading that I have chosen to ignore that member. (Life here is sweeter) I want ot know about PM’s?
Sorry to hijack the thread, Horsezee!
Thanks for answering my question Laurel&HollyFarm!
No problem, Phaxxton!
Try it you’ll like it!
Since everyone here now (hee, hee) is NOT on my IM list, if anyone finds out about my PM question, can you let me know, please?
Thanks so much!
Why don’t you try it? You can put phaxxton on your ignore list, then he/she can send you a pm, and you can see what happens, and of course, then unignore her. Disignore?
Then tell me.
Whats the point??
Well I guess I can see it if someone is sending Nasty Grams!!
ten horses has a good point.
If you want to test it out, I’ll help. But be warned, while I am on your ignore list, you will miss all my pearls of wisdom! Yes, that is what I am calling them these days! :lol:
I’ll PT you my email address if you want to coordinate a test run.
Phaxxton and I are trying it out, though since I am now ‘ignoring’ her I have no idea what she wrote just above…?
I sent a PM to Horsezee after she added me to her ignore list. We’ll see what happens! (And I emailed her to let her know it was sent!)
While I was ‘ignoring’ Phaxxton, I did not receive her PM. It was not there once I chose to ‘un-irgnore’ her, either. So, it seems to work to block PM’s, too!
Thanks, Phaxxton!
You’re welcome.
FWIW, when I sent them PM to Horsezee after being added to her “Ignore List” I did not receive any notice that she wouldn’t get it or that I was on her Ignore List… so you don’t have to worry about people on your list being notified that they’re on your list if they try to send you a PM.
I still dont get it…
So what your saying is if you dont like things that I post about, and you put me on the ignore list, then what I have posted will not show up on your screen! Like I said Whats the point… sort of like sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling LA LA LA LA LA !!! But then again I have never had any trouble with bad posters, Heck most of the time I am a great thread kill:yes: :lol: er anyway!
I just said that and the very next day had the misfortune to come across someone on this BB that made me grateful we have this “ignore” function.
Yup. :yes: It’s the electronic equivalent of just that…
…but I don’t have anyone on my list either!