I'm Bummed

Since I sprained my ankle last month, I was taking (on advice from minor med) Aleve 3X daily. It started wreaking havoc on my stomach, though, so I went to a doc at my practice (FP doc is on vacation) who prescribed me celebrex.

My joints haven’t felt this good in years! NO knee pain, ankles (both) felt 95% pain free. Yesterday’s ride I didn’t even think once about “Ouch, this hurts my ____”. Definitely working. However, this morning I woke up with an itchy rash all over my torso, arms, neck & face. Crap. Of course, the celerbrex is suspect #1 as it is the only thing I’ve changed lately.

What else do you guys use to control chronic joint pain? I’m going back to my own doc in 2 weeks, so am hoping to have some ideas on what might be out there. I’m taking (afer calling the on-call doc) ibuprophen for now. I already use jointed stirrups to help ease some of the pain in knees & ankles. This has been worse since getting my new guy with his very athletic & sproingy jump.


Jingles for something else causing your rash. Nothing helped me with my ankle pain except riding with longer stirrups.

Endurance stirrups

Jingles for the rash. Poor Baby! That’s miserable!

Another idea- Have you tried the endurance type stirrups? They have a thick cushy shock absorbing pad and they are very wide. Those riders go 100 miles in them, mostly standing in their stirrups at a gallop. I used them after I broke my back and they were very helpful. I did ride differently in them since almost my whole foot was supported. I had to practice when I went back to more regular stirrups for hunting.

I’ve already tried dropping my stirrups - the problem is that it messes up my base so much it is hard to stay with him. I flat with them longer but have to pull them up to jump anything over 2’ and feel stable at all. Kind of a darned-if-I-do, darned-if-I-don’t thing.

I want to try the Super Comfort pads to see if they help. I’d try the endurance stirrups, but they wouldn’t work in the eq ring.

I’m going the other direction - when did you start the celebrex? It could be something else entirely, or something acting in concert to achieve a synergistic effect.

Hopefully you can keep on riding!!

I tried Celebrex for 3 days. My tongue swelled up horribly. :no: I wonder if many people have a reaction to it.

What about SOD?

What I use is Gamma-linoleic(sp?)-acid (GLA) which is found (and available in) hemp oil, evening primrose oil, borage seed oil, and black current seed oil. It is a fatty acid that acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, and when my joints start acting up it usually works, maybe not immediately like the doctor’s drugs, but it definitely helps. I take it mostly for my MS, but my arthritic hands no longer hurt, 15 years after I started taking the stuff. I do not use it every day any more, just for flare-ups. You can find these in health food stores.

Good luck, I hope you find an answer that works. :slight_smile:

DGRH - I started taking it Thursday evening. By Friday evening, my joints felt great. Sunday morning I woke up with this rash. Celebrex was the ONLY thing I’d done differently. I don’t know if it may be reacting wtih some other med I take.

I will keep riding, though, no matter. It’s worth it to me. :slight_smile:

I have the Super Comfort Pads and did not notice any difference. I am thinking about putting something like a small square piece of thinline under the comfort pad. That would provide extra cushion and grippyness for the pad. The pad by itself can slip a bit and they recommend vet wrap underneath if it does. I was just trying to think of something better than vet wrap.

Good to know. I won’t rush out to get them I guess.

FWIW, went to see my doc this monring, and the rash is some better. He switched me to a different antihistamine that seems to have helped. Sigh.

You could just switch to dressage. I have ankle pain in shorter leathers, but am fine in my dressage saddle, or trail riding in my jumping saddle with longer leathers.

I take diclofenac, a prescription anti-inflammatory, 2x a day. Works wonders for my arthritis pain and is the only thing we’ve ever found that is effective. If I skip it for a day, I can really tell! I also have acupuncture done frequently to help control the pain. The two combined leave me pain free most of the time, but I do have to be careful to not overdo.

HB - I don’t think my jumper would appreciate the change. We do a lot of dressage work to supple and balance when we jump, but he is always much happier when we’re jumping. :slight_smile:

I think a lot of it will be beetter when my ankle gets back to its normal 95%.

I’m a bit late to the party, but I figured I’d chime in since I sprained my ankles 3 times within a year and a half, with the last sprain (sustained while landing from an awkward jump, without falling off the horse) tearing the peroneal retinaculum and requiring surgical repair.

You probably need time and strengthening exercises for what is really a recent event. We give horses months off of full work after straining soft tissue, so why do we make ourselves go back to full work so soon after hurting ourselves? It might be worth doing physical therapy to help you regain flexibility and strength to support the ankle, but it just plain takes time. :frowning:

It’s probably not the best idea to jump with stirrups until your ankle is 100%, since it puts extra strain on your ankles. After my second ankle sprain, I spent a while just riding bareback and/or without stirrups, since I wasn’t really strong enough to use the ankle again until a couple months after the injury.

I became religious about wrapping my ankle for support every time I rode. I found that Vetrap, although more expensive (buying in bulk and employee discounts help) and not reusable, provides better support when wrapped firmly than the soft Ace bandages you get at CVS. I kept wrapping until something like 6 months after my last injury. Combined with an “air-cast” lateral/medial ankle brace and a stiff hiking boot (the air cast doesn’t fit inside normal paddock boots), your ankle is virtually immobilized, with a small amount of flexion and extension in one plane allowed. On hot days, my skin got irritated under the Vetrap, so I started using baby powder and/or a bit of roll gauze underneath the wrap. For extra support, I used a bit of Elastikon on the outside (but not on the skin!).

Other than that, I found that Surpass (topical diclofenac) helped my ankle without killing my stomach (I also had to cut back on my “vitamin I”), and there is a human prescription version that you could ask your doctor about. I’ve also used it on my knees on bad days by rubbing it over the bulgey spots where the joint capsule is near the skin on either side of the kneecap. Oops, I guess that’s medical advice, :wink: but I would suggest asking your doctor about topical NSAID’s.

I hope this helps some, but your ankle will not heal if you don’t let it!

P.S. I know what you mean about all of the pain being gone! I’ve been on oral steroids several times in the last year for respiratory problems, and small pains that I didn’t even know I had went away! If it weren’t for those darn side effects (stretch marks everywhere that I still have, immune suppression, potential for kidney/liver/? damage, etc.), I’d be begging the doctor for a long-term supply.

I take Diclofenac XR (the extended release version) once a day for my arthritis, and have for several years with no ill effects. It works very well and I find that the side effects are manageable as long as I take it with food, take an acid suppressor, etc.

I also take fish oil (the high dose 1200 EPA/DHA version), and CoQ10 (400 mg) a day which seems to make a big difference as well. For some reason I don’t have as good of luck with Glucosamine/Chondroitin but I take them anyway just figuring they can’t hurt.

At 44 I have severe osteoarthritis (so bad that I was basically unable to walk much a couple of years ago) but I’ve been exercising and that’s helped a lot. I was always very active but I suspect that as with a lot of horses I went through a period where my joints were reforming and had a lot of pain, but that’s moderated as the joints smoothed through the exercise.

I’ve been using Celebrex for ummmm about 5 years now. Though I no longer ride due to my injury the celebrex has helped me A LOT. I still have times when I am in pain but 90% of the time the celebrex is a life saver. That said I use it 2x a day AS NEEDED. It is prescribed to be used 2x a day daily but my doc said if I don’t need it don’t take it.

I’ve had many surgeries over my life (9) and I’m only 24 and now get very sick when I try to take any pain meds; lortabs, vicodin, valium, etc. I got very very sick when I switched to Advil after my big knee surgery in 2005 because I couldn’t handle the pain meds but was in a lot of pain. The over the counters aren’t made to take for an extended amount of time. I had 2 ligaments replaced/repaired and was off my meds within in a week because I couldn’t handle any of them. It was awful :frowning:

I use Celebrex now in conjunction with Lidocaine Patches and Voltaren Gel. Again everything as needed. Some days I use all three and sometimes I don’t use anything. I also elevate my knee when I sleep…kinda funny when someone sees my bed with the 2 pillows as a big lump at the end of the bed. :slight_smile:

I too had a weird rash after my knee surgery but I don’t remember if I had taken the Celebrex yet, I am thinking not. It came one day and went away the next; no doctor could figure out what happened and it never came back after it had left. If Celebrex helps I would just use as needed and see if that helps you.