Importing a horse from EU to the US.

I’ve always found my own horses, or bred my own, but I HAVE known a few imported horses that have been totally unsuitable for the buyers. First, they have been rushed through their early training to get sold as soon as possible. The type of training has not suited the buyer. The horse was too strong, (an Irish horse), and just had been hunted and not schooled at all and was almost dangerous for this rider. One horse - I swear - was mental despite being sold to a person who was a young horse specialist. It never did come around. The sales pitch had been very convincing. Vet checks are not pass/fail - they are numbered as to the severity of soundness/unsoundness. Importing can be a minefield and good value horses are definitely available on this side of the water.

I could say the exact same thing about people who bought horses here (or abroad) with the “help” and “advice” of their trainer. the most important thing is to not rush into a purchase and be honest and upfront about what you want and what your goals are.


For sure - some trainers are not always on the student’s side - more an eye for the $ or commission, or favour returned
or future sales horse sent over their way. It is a minefield, especially for those not very experienced. But this side of the pond, there is not the rush to stop, see, and move on as when on an overseas trip with airline bookings a few days away.
A person can go back a few times or take someone else to see the horse etc.

Exactly - horse shopping is not for the weak or faint of heart haha.

Pegasus Global Horse Transportation handled everything for me when I imported my gelding into NY. They were super communicative and sent me pictures of my horses after it landed, which was a nice surprise. I know in order to fly him, they had to arrange for blood to be pulled and certain paperwork to be done and then of course quarantine. My horse did quarantine right at the airport at JFK. I would recommend them to anyone looking to import!