In Celebration of the BB Family

I too think of this as such an extended family. Especially since I have so few horse buddies at my barn.

So Heidi about that bar routine…I’m sure we can find a few places around the desert… believe me they won’t see us coming!

I’m not up to speed to come up with my own list…been away a bit too long I guess.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

As upset as many of us are over MissD’s accident, it serves to remind me that there are so many of you who’ve become like a virtual family and I wanted to take the time to celebrate all that you mean to me.

The sisters who’d give me a strong shake and tell me to get over myself:
Louise, Portia, Justalurker, Erin, Weatherford, Fred, Quinn, dogchushu, Canter

The sisters with whom I can no longer go out because they’ve been banned from the bar:
Coreene, DMK, Inverness, Kennett Square, Cactuskate, Mazzy, HeyYouNags

The younger sisters beside whom I look normal:
ErinB, Bread, Jumpthemoon, Tin; and dear Colin

The blonde half-sister from my father’s first marriage:

The brother who wouldn’t hesitate to query, “girl, you going out in that?”
Robby Johnson

The brother in whose hair I’d put a wad of well-chewed Double Bubble gum

The first sisters I’d call if in need of a shoulder, a meal, or bail money:
Duffy, ETBW, Quinn, AHC, Justalurker

The grandfather from whom I wouldn’t take linty candy:
The Urchinator

[This message was edited by Heidi on Feb. 05, 2002 at 03:52 PM.]

[This message was edited by Heidi on Feb. 05, 2002 at 04:26 PM.]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ErinB:

I’ve also wondered what the replies would look like should FatLilPony ever have to make that announcement. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Been there, done that, not fun. A few years ago a co-worker didn’t show up for work. A few of us went to his house, broke in, and found him dead in front of his TV.

Among other things, we had to hack into his computer and take care of email. He was pretty active in some online discussions and had a wide circle of electronic correspondents. So we had to respond to a bunch of people “Hi … you don’t know me, but Bill’s dead”


Scary, but I did actually do this after the Carlton Terrace and before the Petit Carlton. Took 'em four days to find it. Whoops.

I truly think that Merry and Beezer got switched with Auntie Pat and myself! Kennett Square could sort us out, though, she has a keen eye!

Heidi, if ever you need to call, you know I’d be there in a heartbeat!

Wish I could come up with a creative list like you did, but I am less than 24 hours from my flight to Florida and I still have to pack up my office (we’re moving starting while I’m away) before I leave today…

I expect that when I return in a couple of weeks, my BB family will have expanded some more. I look forward to it!

Thanks so much for those comforting words.

~Erin B #1
Step One: Boot up brain.

OMG ErinB, that’s freaky! I always think of what (let’s say) Nickelodian would say if I died…like what would the subject line be? “Spaz Is Dead”???

And how many pages would it be?

If you aren’t the lead dog, the only other view is another dog’s ass.

JAIR!!! I cannot believe you would even THINK about doing such a thing!!! (you are right - it would take days to even find the damn thing! )

Mucho gracias my dearest Heidikins, and after my coffee has kicked in, I think I may compose a list

Slugger, I can appreciate your sentiments, but honestly… isn’t life like that? I mean what you described sounded like recess in middle school, catty all-night chats in HS/college, and coffee room gossip at work… And lord knows, the in gate at the horse show is sort of like this times a factor of 100.

In other words, in the real world, people talk about you. They talk about me. They talk about Heidi. And they damn sure talk about Jair! So either you (to quote a friend) buck up little beaver, or live your life worrying about what other people think, say or do… Either way, ain’t nobody but yourself in charge of it.

Robby - you know I live to tell you to get over yourself!! What else is there to do since I have been banned from the bar and have gum in my hair?

*** Speak yer mind… But ride a fast horse… ***

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heidi:
As upset as many of us are over MissD’s accident, it serves to remind me that there are so many of you who’ve become like a virtual family and I wanted to take the time to celebrate all that you mean to me.

The sisters who’d give me a strong shake and tell me to get over myself:

Fred, Bethe Blasienz, DMK, Heidi, subk, tle

The sisters with whom I can no longer go out because they’ve been banned from the bar:


The younger brother beside whom I look normal:

I’m the youngest. Always. (In truth, this would be Jair.)

The Asian half-sister from my father’s first marriage:


The brother who wouldn’t hesitate to query, “girl, you going out in that?”

Jeb. (Must quote some Margaret Cho here … “girl, don’t look back at Kyle … you know he like to lag behind!”)

The brother in whose hair I’d put a wad of well-chewed Double Bubble gum


The first sisters I’d call if in need of a shoulder, a meal, or bail money:


The big brother that I would love to emulate:



Heidi, I’ll take it as a compliment that I’m no longer one of the young one’s that makes you look normal!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> “Spaz Is Dead”???
And how many pages would it be?

However long the SO group could make it. It would be, however, significally shorter than if Spaz were there to ooch it along. (And yes, ooch is a word.)

I think Merry and Beezer are the big sisters I would follow around the barn bugging them all day.

I think Moesha is the crazy cousin who I humour while listening to his songs while secretly wondering if he’s lost it and is going mental (either that or he’s enormously talented and is going to make it bigger than Weird Al).

I think ETBW is the kind aunt who I admire and want to live with.

Bumpkin is the mother-figure who is always very encouraging and positive and nurturing.

Ryan is the kid in whose hair I would put bubble-gum.

“It’s amazing how there’s no time to do it right the first time but always time to do it over again.”