As upset as many of us are over MissD’s accident, it serves to remind me that there are so many of you who’ve become like a virtual family and I wanted to take the time to celebrate all that you mean to me.
The sisters who’d give me a strong shake and tell me to get over myself:
Louise, Portia, Justalurker, Erin, Weatherford, Fred, Quinn, dogchushu, Canter
The sisters with whom I can no longer go out because they’ve been banned from the bar:
Coreene, DMK, Inverness, Kennett Square, Cactuskate, Mazzy, HeyYouNags
The younger sisters beside whom I look normal:
ErinB, Bread, Jumpthemoon, Tin; and dear Colin
The blonde half-sister from my father’s first marriage:
The brother who wouldn’t hesitate to query, “girl, you going out in that?”
Robby Johnson
The brother in whose hair I’d put a wad of well-chewed Double Bubble gum
The first sisters I’d call if in need of a shoulder, a meal, or bail money:
Duffy, ETBW, Quinn, AHC, Justalurker
The grandfather from whom I wouldn’t take linty candy:
The Urchinator
[This message was edited by Heidi on Feb. 05, 2002 at 03:52 PM.]
[This message was edited by Heidi on Feb. 05, 2002 at 04:26 PM.]