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In praise of masks!

I actually like wearing my mask while shopping, it’s been nearly a year since anyone told me to “cheer up it hasn’t happened yet”

I had my cataracts done back in the spring, and now can realize the joy of walking the dogs with my face covered and I can still see

I had to run to the barn to deliver stuff, and give my boy a quick lunge session…only my false teeth had attacked my gums so badly, long story, I was having to go without for a few days. No problem, scarf outside, mask indoors, try and speak clearly, think I got away with it. :rofl:

Then there is this

Even if masks are not required at the barn, I might still wear one during shedding season.

PS, I know shedding is promoted by day length, but seriously we are predicted wind chills of -50 tonight, and the boy is shedding handfuls, yiu would of thought northern horses would go “mmmm maybe I’ll hang on a week or two.


I clipped yesterday. Very happily wearing a mask!

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I just had cataract surgery on both eyes last month. My husband and I went to Walmart late to buy reading glasses, and it was the first time I’d walked into a store wearing a mask but not wearing glasses. Nothing fogged up, and I didn’t walk into displays! Of course, as soon as I tried on any reading glasses, they fogged. But I’m thrilled that I can see well enough to not need glasses just walking around a store.

I haven’t needed to go out without teeth yet, but I could easily do it if I kept my mask on.



I picked up one of the anti-fog cloths at the eye doctor’s office assuming it to be a waste of money. It wasn’t. Not perfect but it helped. I got some on Amazon and gave a few away to friends. They work best inside. Walking from the car to the store they usually fog up because it’s cold and/or humid. They clear up after I’m inside for a few minutes.

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@RMJacobs have you taken something out of the oven yet? Whoosh of heat, BUT YOU CAN SEE!

I can have a lesson in cold weather, work hard and wearing a mask, and I can see :rofl:

Hmmmm. Oven? I’ve heard this thing mentioned, but don’t personally use one. Somehow I got to be 63 years old without ever learning to cook. I’m lucky that I married guys who liked to cook, and kept doing it. First marriage wasn’t that long–just three years. But for the second one, we’ll be 41 years together next month.

Now, taking clothes out of the dryer was exciting. My usual way was to open the dryer door, aim my breath up at my glasses to clear them, then start pulling stuff out that can’t dry all the way. The first time I did it without glasses was definitely an occasion for celebration!



@RMJacobs you are 63 and never learned to cook? You are a legend! Good for you :rofl:

There are just so many things that are better without glasses, it’s awesome.

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I’m with you!
I clipped my horse back in December with a mask on and it was amazing. Masks are also helpful when brushing during mud season. Makes you cringe when you see how dirty your mask got, and realize that if it weren’t a pandemic you would have inhaled all of that.

I also work as an ultrasound tech. Within arms reach of patients, face to face. This is officially the longest that I’ve ever gone without having someone breath, cough, or sneeze in my face. Not to mention the benefit of not having to smell other people anymore.


I loooove mask life. It’s so nice to wear one when shopping and feel no obligation to smile at strangers.