Let me preface with saying that my mare will be going in to the vet hospital for rectal palpation in about 3 weeks, so I know what needs to be done, but I just wanted your opinions and to hear your experiences!
My mare (to my knowledge) should not have ever been exposed to a stallion in the past 9 years at least. BUT a really sketchy hauler (didn’t know he was sketchy until after the fact) transported my horses across the US to my new home when I moved states last summer. I did notice that my gelding’s lead rope was switched for someone else’s which makes it likely that he let them off the trailer at some point and who knows what could have happened then. There was also a “gelding” in her new pasture that was put down a few months ago that I never checked for a retained testicle or anything.
That said…
Last month, my mare started lactating. I have never seen her do this before. She didn’t really bag up or anything but I noticed a droplet and expressed her teats and both streamed milk. I have now convinced myself that she is getting a little larger every week and looks just a tad bigger on the left (maybe I’m going crazy).
She was hauled at the beginning of last August, so about 8 months ago. I will provide pictures. Let me know your opinions.
She is also a heaves horse and so does not get much exercise, and to manage, she is outside on pasture 24/7. They are still eating a lot of hay because they grass isn’t super long yet, but they are getting at the first of it (while getting hay too).
If I get answers to this post I’ll comment with the vet’s diagnosis once I take her in!