Increased pain and numbness after P.T. update

Now I’ve done P.T. in the past without any problems and my current Dr wanted me to try p.t. for my cervical neck arthritis. I was finally able to start it yesterday and it didn’t go well for me.

I know that you will experience some pain but I was in excruciating pain and I did let him know. Plus when he was pushing down on some areas causing the numbness in my arm to get worse to the point my whole arm trembled.

Then he did something that caused me to be disoriented. I couldn’t answer his questions right away which made him move his hands around causing more pain and dizziness.

When he was done and sat me up, My headache came back with a vengeance. Then he stood me up and I felt like I was stoned. When I got back into my truck, I could hardly lift up the center console. The pain was getting worse with movement and my arm was super tingly.

I was in so much pain for the rest of the night and it took forever to get to sleep since no matter what position I was in, it hurt a lot. Plus my arm was twitching for the rest of the night. This morning I woke up in a lot of pain and have swelling in the front, back of my neck, extreme pain along my spine that now shoots down my back and a little stiff.

What the hell did this guy do or is this really normal for cervical arthritis p.t.?

That does not sound normal to me at all. I have had tons of PT, and the only time it made me feel worse was when I actually had a different problem and needed surgery on my shoulder.

You should contact the referring doctor ASAP. Are you sure you don’t have spinal stenosis? Or something else more serious than arthritis?

I had lots of problems with PT for my neck issues prior to my cervical disc replacement surgery. What kind of PT did they do? Traction made my neck go nuts. I’d be nauseous, in excruciating pain from muscle spasms, have headaches and feel dizzy.

Muscle spasms can also squeeze nerves and increase nerve symptoms as much as agitating something which causes inflammation that can also compress nerves. Have you had an MRI of your neck and what does it say?

Do you have a muscle relaxer and are you using it? Which one? Have you tried heat on your muscles to get them to calm down?

Call your spine doc in the AM and do not go back to PT until your doc clears you. I did PT after I broke my back (burst compression fracture L1). The first three times were fine, the fourth time the PT doubled the weights. It took me SIX MONTHS to get back to the pain level I had prior to that day. Needless to say, I never went back and my neurosurgeon supported that choice. It was such bad experience I have a hard time even being social with someone if they are a PT for a living.

I really don’t know what he was doing. A lot of the times he had his thumbs pressed into the back of my skull and was lifting my head straight up like he was stretching it. He also pushed down along the sides of my vertebrae. He also had pushed down my shoulders and the muscles below my collar bone hard. He kept pressure on those areas even though I said it hurt and my arm was trembling.

No I haven’t had a MRI yet, just x-rays. My Dr wanted to do p.t. and meds first and if that didn’t help, she would order a MRI.

I would call the referring doc asap like Bristol Bay suggested. I would not go back to this pt either. You told him his procedures were causing discomfort (and more) and he continued. I would think with the symptoms you were experiencing he should have stopped and done a reasessment of the situation.
You sound miserable. Wish I could make it better.

I would call the referring doc asap like Bristol Bay and Quelah suggested. I would not go back to this pt either. You told him his procedures were causing discomfort (and more) and he continued. I would think with the symptoms you were experiencing he should have stopped and done a reasessment of the situation.
You sound miserable. Wish I could make it better.

[QUOTE=spotted draft x filly;8224109]
I really don’t know what he was doing. A lot of the times he had his thumbs pressed into the back of my skull and was lifting my head straight up like he was stretching it.[/QUOTE]

Yea that’s traction. Just say no.

I’ve had a ton of PT, what you describe doesn’t sound normal, but it also doesn’t sound abnormal.

I’ve had days when he’s working on my neck or shoulders that things do get numb. If you’re laying down for some time, especially face down, it’s not uncommon to be a bit out of it when you sit up.

The first time I had someone use a TENS unit on me, the twitching freaked me out. I refused it the next time & never had done again for 5-10 years. I wish I hadn’t been so stubborn about it; it helps.

I would go back to PT especially if you’ve got another appointment in a day or so (I usually did 2X week) and let him know what happened. If things don’t settle down in a day or so call your doc, but give yourself a little time first.

I’ll be honest, sometimes PT just sucks. They don’t call them Physical Terrorists for no reason. One of the best/worst days I had was when an intern was practicing mobilizing my C-spine. She kept at it for like 15 minutes, it kind of sucked. I was sure I was going to hurt like hell the next day. I sat up and the world spun for a minute or so. The next day my spine felt better than it had in months. Surprised me.

The first few times traction was uncomfortable, kind of hated it. Then I got used to it. It does help. There’s been times when I’ve walked in the office and the first words out of my mouth were “Hi, today’s a traction day.”

Like many things, PT is only as good as the therapist. I have had enough PT for a hundred people including several different courses of treatment on my neck over the years. Traction feels amazing to me, I could lay there all day long while he gently pulls on my head. I have had lots of things that hurt like hell when he was doing it and lots of things that hurt like hell afterwards but what you describe doesn’t sound normal to me either. Truthfully I don’t like the no MRI part either, there is only so much you can see on films. Talk to the doctor and maybe get a second opinion of need be. You might want a referral to a pain doctor too of you don’t have one already. Epidurals and facet blocks can work miracles.

I’m with Laurierace on the MRI. With spinal problems, other than showing fractures, xrays are almost completely useless.

I fractured C5 in 2011 and have a free floating chip on the anterior side. I also have 2 herniated discs (C4-5 and 5-6) along with stenosis and nerve damage. My neck looks (almost) normal on xray and completely jacked up on MRI. PT was painful, but nothing like what you went through. I would postpone any more pt until you can get an MRI and an appointment with a neurologist. I’d bet that you have a good deal more going on than just arthritis.

Still waiting to hear back from my Dr on next step. My headache finally went away last night and for the first time in several days I was able to sleep throughout the night. Almost all the swelling has gone down, most of the pain is back to the way it was before p.t., and I have some new pain further down my back.

So i have been busy with Dr appointments lately. My PCP wants me to continue with P.T. but my neuro, who finally got over the sleep apnea crap said I should of never had done P.T. without the MRI first. He injected my muscles around my spine and shoulders with lidocaine to try to help alleviate the pain and I had a MRI on wed.

So far the reports are saying cervical radiculopathy, cervicalgia, myalgia, myositis , and the radiology report says broad bulging discs at C5/C6 and C6/C7. I don’t go back until the end of the month. At least since I stopped taking the Voltaren a couple of weeks ago, my headaches are gone! I’ve only had 1 migraine but no more 24/7 headaches :slight_smile:

I was just thinking of this post yesterday as my neck has been kicking up!
I have had the lidocaine injections you just had and was just thinking it may be time for another round. I have arthritis in my neck and the muscle spasms made my migraines worse and the injections helped with that for me. They hurt like hell while getting them though.
I hope they help you for your issues.
Sounds like the voltaren was not the right thing for you? The biologics I took gave me 24/7 headaches. No fun.
Anyhow, glad your head feels better! Keeping my fingers crossed that the injections help you.

Thanks! I’m still sore from the injections (I had them tues) still have some pain, so hopefully I will feel some relief. The Voltaren did help with the headaches but it was tearing up my stomach, so I was put on Pantaprozal and was told to limit the voltaren. I ran out of pantaprozal a couple of weeks ago, so I quit taking the voltaren too. Knock on wood, I’ve been lucky that those non stop headaches have ceased.

[QUOTE=spotted draft x filly;8302744]
Thanks! I’m still sore from the injections (I had them tues) still have some pain, so hopefully I will feel some relief. The Voltaren did help with the headaches but it was tearing up my stomach, so I was put on Pantaprozal and was told to limit the voltaren. I ran out of pantaprozal a couple of weeks ago, so I quit taking the voltaren too. Knock on wood, I’ve been lucky that those non stop headaches have ceased.[/QUOTE]

Voltaren tears my stomach up too but Meloxicam doesn’t. If you still need a daily anti inflammatory maybe try that one.