Independent Saddle Fitter in Alabama

I’m in desperate need of an independent saddle fitter that will come to central Alabama. All the fitters I’ve found in my area are affiliated with Custom Saddlery, and I am so done with Customs.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Catherine Overstreet, she’s in Jacksonville, AL. I think. You can find her on FB. Do not be put off by her passion for building western saddles now :wink: she’s deeply knowledgeable and very nice.


First Equine (as I understand one of the DVMs does saddle fittings) out of Mobile AL. I dunno how far North they go.

She’s a rep for Custom Saddelry, or was. I have seen many people buy ill fitting saddles from her.

I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve had good experiences with her. Best of luck to you.

Following, I’m in N AL and would like to find a good independent saddle fitter. Seems like everyone is a brand rep now, and not that interested in fitting saddles that aren’t their brand.

Lacey Halstead in the Atlanta area is an independent fitter with a ton of references, I know she travels a bit, I’m not sure if she travels that far, but I imagine that if there were more than a few people set up, something could be arranged. Whole Horse Saddle Fitting on face book