I am seeking info on a 6 yr old chestnut gelding called Baxter that came from Garry Roque’s Barn in Caledon East. Garry told me he was only with him for a few months (prior to May 2011). He’s been off and I am working with a chiropractic vet, massage and corrective shoeing farrier to get him 100%. We have a good treatment plan but I really need some history on him. I am really hoping someone recognizes this flashy kind and well mannered gelding. Unfortunately I cannot attach a pic or would have. Thank you all for your time reading this email. Mac
This is not the correct place for your inquiry. You should either place it one of the threads for specific riding disciplines or in the Off Course forum. (The moderators may also move it)
If you have a free photo sharing account like Photobucket, you can post a picture there and then share the link in your post.
Good luck, I hope you find the information you are seeking!
My apologies, I am not sure how to navigate the site and I am desperate. I saved him from going for meat and have tracked down as much as I can but hit a dead end. I am not sure how to post it for the eventing thread. M
We moved your thread here to Missing Horses, which is provided to help folks track down missing horses or information on the ones they have!
Welcome to the site and good luck ~
Mod 1