info on a horse i am interested in?

just looking for background info on a horse named guyana in motion.

Here’s a link to his race record and connections. Click on the various other links given.

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Looks like they ran him in Maiden Special Weight at Belmont last summer/fall. He finished mid pack, so they kept at it until they realised the was not good enough, so they dropped him into the claiming ranks at easier tracks. He still was no good.

The worrisome thing here is the 2 DNF’s in a row. Was he hurt?

He does not have fancy breeding on his dam’s side, but, even though she is from generations of fillies who were unraced, or poor racehorses, the dam was bred to a nice horse. However, he lived up to (or down to) his dam’s side of the family, so they have given up on him (and rightly so).

But I assume you are looking for a sport horse, OTTB. On his sire’s side he has Private Account and Hoist the Flag (in the 4th and 5th generations — so not much of an influence, although they are there.) The dam is void of any names which stand out as sport horse ancestors.

All that said, the horse does not read his pedigree — he is what he is. But if you are hoping that, although he does not look like a great possibility now, he might improve, I would not count on it. With him, what you see if what you get.

If you go to: you can see what I am looking at.

“The worrisome thing here is the 2 DNF’s in a row. Was he hurt?”

Not much to read into this based on the face value of the “footnotes” on the bottom of his charts.

His first 3 starts he showed nothing.

broke 8th, never improved is position, got into the race, finished 8th

2 wide, under coaxing, trialed Finished 5th of 5 never improved

Fractious in the gate, broke in under coaxing, got out run early, growing detached by mid race, 4 wide in the stretch trailed, etc. 6th of 6

DNF, (did not finish) rank, in between foes, etc, stopped and then pulled up by the jock “eased”.

DNF Hit the near side stall, fell to his face at the start, lost rider

His next start was 3 weeks later. He did manage to beat 2 horses. The rest of his starts were useless. Right down to the last for $10,000 claiming.

Never heard of the trainer. But this horse never showed anything was kept in high priced MSW. Went down the ladder from there. Face value, he was useless, to be kinder he didn’t want to be a racehorse. Never really tried. Why they kept him in training as long as they did is why people cry, complain about losing money. Especially when they are owned by their breeder, which this horse still is.

Did he have soundness issues hard to say. NY looks pretty closely at “suspect” horses, their form. DNF in this horse’s case, IMO based on face value, soundness most likely is not the issue. Not much racehorse. All TBs run most don’t run very fast and a lot can’t “run” at all, lol.

Sport horses don’t have to be fast.

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Wookie, hopefully he got a soft landing, but if you are interested in offering him one, you could reach out to his last connections and inquire. Worth a shot.

If he was at Parx, you may want to contact the folks at Turning for Home (if you’re truly interested in him and are in a position to do something about it) They are also on Facebook.

They may be able to help contact the horse’s connections or may even have some further information on him.