Injured Control Freak

I have a sensitive horse. He’s has grown exponentially having others handle him. I don’t let folks yank on him and push him but it’s been really good for him to learn to deal with different people.

If you don’t trust your trainer not to push, I agree don’t put in training. Sitting isn’t going to hurt her.


Can you do a trial run of a couple weeks with her in training with your trainer and assess how things are going? Of course it’s probably not reasonable to be there for every training session if you work full time, but see if trainer is willing to schedule a couple for you to be there to observe. If you think mare is making progress and they’re getting along, then great! But if you feel she is moving backwards in her progress, then pull her from training and let her sit.

I agree that trying to do work with a horse like this while you’re injured is not a great idea. But I also agree that sometimes really sensitive “one person” horses can benefit from being handled by other experienced people. Obviously don’t put her in training with someone that you know is the yank and spank type, but if you generally trust your trainer, then I don’t see the harm in giving it a trial run and see how it goes. Might do her a lot of good. Or if it doesn’t, then at least you know you gave it a try and its not something she can handle.