Looking for some insight/advice from other equestrians. I recently injured the tendons in my wrist of my dominate hand and am struggling to use that arm. I have a coming 6 year old mare who is coming back into work after a few months off from a nasty flesh wound. Said mare is a very sensitive but smart OTTB who leans towards the reactive side and does best in regular work (especially for her back). I’ve done all of her handling and riding post track (bought as 3 year old) she is definitely a 1 person horse who thrives on routine. She is a lot better behaved now but can still be a handful when she gets upset. Most of her issues come from a root cause of just being claustrophobic. People tend to think she over reacts or is stupid but fail to acknowledge the rabbits building up in her mind.
She needs to come back into work, she thrives off attention and loves to come out and do stuff. I am really struggling with the idea of putting her into partial/full training with my dressage instructor while I’m healing. It’s either that or me trying to lunge/ride without full use of my right arm and hoping nothing happens. It would also make my recovery take longer. I am super protective of her and have a very certain way of helping her work through things, she is one who will just blow up (bolt, run backwards, rear, etc) if she’s pushed past her mental limit and feels trapped in a situation. She is not a horse who can just “get over” things. I’m worried she’s not going to be handled properly for what works best for her and she’s going to turn back into an anxious flighty mess.
Something new in arena - She needs to go up and see it, both sides, and touch it then she’s over it and can move on. If you just try to get on her and “ride through it” the entire ride would be ruined with spooking, spinning, anxiety, hot, not listening, etc.
Weird scary item in aisle or on trail - She needs to just stop and take a few seconds to process and look, sometimes it’s every few steps if it’s really scary but usually not (we usually stop to look 1-2x). Once she gets up to item she will reach out to touch it then is usually fine. If you just try to force her to keep walking without letting her think (and make her “get over it” cause it’s “not that scary, why are you being stupid”) she will either spook then run backwards or try to bolt past it then hit the end of the lead rope and rear up while trying to run backwards.
This is a horse that needs patience and understanding from someone who doesn’t get emotional no matter what happens. She’s quite easy and quiet when you are willing to let her think through things and support her when she’s worried but can be dangerous and explosive if someone (as Warwick Schiller says) doesn’t see the rabbits adding up. I’ve put a lot of time and effort into teaching her to think instead of react and how to deal with uncomfortable situations without losing her mind and she has gotten SO MUCH BETTER but I am still cautious letting other people handle/ride her. I feel like most horse people I’ve encountered have the “get over it” mindset and that absolutely will NOT work with this horse.
Am I being overly cautious and a control freak? Should I give it a shot for a month and see where she ends up? Partial, Full? Should I not risk undoing years worth of training for 4-8 weeks of healing? Work her myself? Just leave her sit while I heal? I feel like no matter what I choose it’s going to be the wrong thing for my horse and I just want to do what is best for her.