Insect Bite Scars

Mosquitoes, fleas, everything that can bite a mammal and exists in a ten mile radius finds me and bites me. I do my best to minimize exposure but it still happens a lot. My ankles are permanently scarred. They fade after several years, but then I just get more. Has anyone had this experience and what did you use to minimize scarring? I use antibiotic ointments when they inevitably get infected, but it’s hard to keep ankles from turning into a mess.

Well the scarring is not from the mosquito bites per se but from you scratching them into a raw mess. So you need a way to cut out the itching especially if you scratch them in bed at night. Calamine lotion, ice, or some of the lanacane or post bug bite products.

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Try spraying with orange OFF around the bottom of your legs/shoes/pants before you go where you know there are critters.
We have done that and been lucky to have stopped that problem.

A couple years ago I went to look at some alfalfa hay in a field that I didn’t know was infected with thrips.
I had several bites on my lower legs that itched something terrible for days.
I had picked up a bale to carry to the pickup and even had a few on my belt line.
It is miserable to have that happen.
Using orange OFF took care of those, no more bites.

As bad as your problem seems, consider going to see a dermatologist, that could help you manage that problem.

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