Interesting article

Just sharing here, was an interesting read.


Mommy peanut, I hope you won’t mind if I share this on the eventing forum. So relevant to going XC! Thank you for the excellent read.

Thanks for sharing that! It was an interesting read.

Feel free to share, that what I did :slight_smile:


There have been some veterinarians in the podiatry world rumbling about this for years. Maybe people will finally start considering it.

I find it amazing that “taking the toe back” is still a foreign concept to so many. Sometimes, with some farriers, it takes constant vigilance.

As for the footing surfaces horses travel, ideally some work on hard surfaces is good and necessary, but long slow-trot- work on good footing is ideal. Hills make it better.

Very interesting article. I hope researching continues to occur and trickle down into the practical applications of research learnings.

The lack of blacksmithing at the track is stunning. There are some nice, hardworking young men coming up, but a month or two in Oklahoma does not make you a blacksmith.


It truly is. And I cannot understand for the life of me why horsemen will go over a horse with a fine toothed comb medically, then let Bubba the farrier give the horse 4 mismatched feet.


Or sometimes 4 matching feet when they shouldn’t have them! Farriery s as much an art and science as it is a craft. And good ones are worth their weight in gold, IMHO.