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Interesting study;

Ulcer detection;


I saw this a few weeks ago and while it would be awesome for sure, I think it’s going to be quite a long time before any of it becomes a practical reality, especially considering:

“Identification of the presence of gastric disease or colic is only part of the clinical process; vets also need to assess the precise nature and severity of disease to determine appropriate treatment options. For both gastric disease and colic there are multiple treatment options and a saliva test is not going to be able to provide the level of information that can be gained from gastroscopic examination of a horse’s stomach or a full clinical examination.

“Furthermore, these saliva tests don’t identify the presence of squamous gastric disease which in some populations, including racehorses, is the primary gastric disease of interest.

“Interesting findings but it is hard to see that they will have any practical implications in the short, and probably long, term.”