My vet will be looking at her tomorrow but I’m curious if anyone here would have any ideas what the issue is.
I brought my mare in from the field today to ride an she was perfectly sound. Groomed and tacked her up and I notice as I’m turning her around to bring her to the mounting block she’s taking bad steps on her right front. She has very sensitive feet so I checked them again though I’d picked them out only minutes before and the only thing she could have in there was sand and her feet were clean. The very slightest digital pulse to her right front, no blemishes to be seen.
For curiosity’s sake I got on and she walked off lame, I walked her out of the indoor and within 5 steps on the pavement she was perfectly sound. I took her out on the grass and did a quick w/t/c, perfect. Cools out fine, walk back into the indoor and within a few steps she isn’t right again. I cleaned her up and took her back out to the field and when she got back to the pavement she was perfectly sound again.
When I turned her out I did notice her taking funny steps again. The area around the gate where I turn her out has a lot of loose rocks (it’s like a breeding ground of rocks, I go out with a bucket when I feed her out in the field and just walk around picking up rocks, and then more appear!).
The usual culprit with her is foot related but I don’t really see how it could be so intermittent. I guess maybe she could have a bruise or something brewing in the foot that the pressure of the sand in her foot is enough to make her sore?
Anybody have any ideas?