International Velvet


& now I really want to see it :smirk:
I had no idea Tatum ONeal did her own riding.
Unless thatā€™s Hollywood boolsheet :unamused:

Not on my app :roll_eyes:
Maybe my library has the CDā€¦

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the trick is to watch the credits. They are all listed!


I doubt seriously she did her own jumping. She probably did do the gallopng, and maybe stadium, but they would never let her fall.

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Probably Bruce Davidson not Buck


ā€œThe Pieā€ was short for ā€œThe Piebaldā€, and that is what he was- black and white. Not chestnut. Not bay.


You are surely correct!

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Those were my thoughts as well: Piebald is black and white, Skewbald is chestnut and white.

And of course the original Pie was NOT a Pinto - but instead was a chestnut with chrome! Then a plain dark bay when he got older! Oy.

Only horsepeople really care about this stuff, but man do the inconsistencies annoy us! :rofl:


The ORIGINAL Pie- in the BOOK- was definitely a Piebald.

As far as I am concerned, the movie was a bad joke.

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I remember all the riders who were featured, but couldnā€™t identify them during the course of the movie. I especially wanted to see Mary Anne Tauskey. I also believe that Bruce Davidson and Golden Griffin were also shown.


Yes, he was not a Pinto in the movie ā€“ I didnā€™t read the book!

Mike Plumb was in it and Karen Stives is the one that had a terrible fall.

Do yourself a favor & read the book.
Aside from the major plotline, itā€™s a beautifully written story of family. Strong characters in the parents, especially Mother Brown.
The horse stuff is authentic to the time.
Iā€™ve read & reread it and even 60+ years later still love reading about Velvets ā€œstableā€ of paper horses, her sister Meredithā€™s canaries & brother Donald.
My most beloved chapters (neither in the movie) are when Velvet visits the Old Gentlemanā€™s stable, later inherits the horses & the sisters all ride in a Gymkhana :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The book sounds thoroughly charming! Will have to put it on my list - I donā€™t read enough books anymore these days, but used to be quite the reader.

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If I recall correctly, the big event was actually shot at Ledyard and all the Hollywood people couldnā€™t believe that the spectators were completely ignoring the actors!
I think it was an article in the old ā€œClassicā€ magazine that quoted Bill Steinkraus as saying ā€œhorse people arenā€™t brought up to go gaga over actorsā€!!! (It was an interesting article and he was of the genuine opinion that Tatum Oā€™Neal could have gone on to be a very good rider if sheā€™d wanted to pursue it.)


I have never read NV, but I have read the Black Stallion so many times I wore the cover off the book. That was my favorite childhood book.


You should DEFINITELY read the book, It is SO much better than the movie.


I read maybe 3 Black Stallion books šŸ¤·
Even as a horsecrazy kid, they didnā€™t resonate with me like Ntl Velvet.
The BS movie had a gorgeous sequence before they were rescued.
After that the story got wonky for me.
To each, right? :sunglasses:


I think the illustrations got me as much as the story. I read them all. As well as many Nancy Drew, but she was too perfect. I prefered Trixie Belden.

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This movie is still the first thing I think of when I hear about horses travelling by plane :grimacing: