Yes, that’s what I meant. Rereading my post, I see I was not clear. I was initially thinking Black Stallion & Int’l Velvet, but, being unsure, I did the Google. I just did not clarify in my post
What?!?!?! I did not know there was a TV series?!?!?!
I’m not sure where you can find it now, but as a young horse girl in the early 90’s it was amazing to have a horsey show, based on a book series I devoured, was just amazing.
It strays way way off the books or movie for sure but it was horses!
Pretty sure it was Mike Plumb’s horse Markham that was euthed on the plane.
Was that the time that Billy Haggard sent his fantastic gray horse Bold Minstrel over as a last minute replacement, and he went around the Olympics with a brand new (to him) rider?
That horse. He was incredible.
He won as a show hunter, an event horse, and a jumper, all at the top levels.
Plus when he retired from competition, I believe he became a field hunter with his owner.
I don’t want to say he was the most overqualified field hunter in history, but he had to be a pretty strong contender for the title, I would think.
Yes. I had difficulty suspending disbelief when watching the series Poldark (which I otherwise liked) showing wealthy members of the landed gentry, in the late 18th century, galloping across the countryside on (beautiful) spotted horses.
Of the Black Stallion books the Island Stallion was my favorite.
I don’t think I read that.
My interest died on Book 3.
I read them all, but the Black Stallion was far and away my favorite.
I’m sure I read all of them.
I was simply delighted to catch IV on the other day and knew what was coming with the plane scene so skipped ahead.
My other suspend reality eventing movie recommendation is Sylvester.
Weren’t Kim Walnes and Grey Goose in that one?
Re Nautical was the Disney movie, Horse with the Flying Tail
Horse with the Flying Tail??? I thought that was the name. I could be wrong though.
she was in Sylvester. He was grey so she and the Goose were the stunt doubles I think.
The book is always better than the movie IMO. It wouldn’t surprise me if the people making the movie even knew that “The Pie” was short for piebald and was referring to the color of the horse, they probably thought it was just a silly name. I remember being confused as a kid that the horse was a chestnut in the National Velvet movie.