Internet Explorer 10 Issues

Argh! I had major issues with the new forum format and IE 9. That was fixable by clicking on the “Compatibility View” browser at the top. But now that I’ve upgraded to IE10, I am having major issues in regards to posting. I am no longer able to use the return key in my posts and start a new paragraph, but when I click on the “Compatibility View” icon at the top, I can use the return key but end up with a whole shwack of other problems. I’m unable to even view my Private Messages. :frowning:

Ugh, same here, although I swear IE 10 worked fine with the compatibility icon in “off” mode (grey, not blue) last time I worked in this program.

FWIW, Firefox works fine. Chrome works fine. Until the issues with IE 10 resolve, I’d recommend one of them…

Thanks for the heads up – I just sent a link to this thread to the tech crew. If either of you could post/send me ( a screenshot of what you’re seeing, I’ll send that along too.

Thanks so much!
Mod 1

While we wait to hear back, you can try clearing your cache/cookies to see if that helps. Sometimes that can be the magical fix for random issues. :wink:

Thanks again ~
Mod 1

Mod1, it’s the standard compatibility mode layout issues when the compatibility icon is clicked (blue.)

But when the compatibility icon is not clicked (grey) the return key doesn’t work in the reply windows–both quick reply and the go advanced reply.

Same issue, even after clearing the cache.

Totally reproducible for me with IE 10.

Thanks Simkie ~ What operating system are you using? The development team is having trouble reproducing the problem.

Windows 7 Pro.

IE 10.0.9200.16521 with “install new versions automatically” checked, so assume is latest version.

OK, so the tech folk have tried to duplicate the issues with the return key in IE10, and haven’t been able to recreate the problem so far, so, barring a bunch of other folks reporting similar problems, it may relate to a setting you have on your individual computers.

Having the compatibility view turned OFF should resolve the major formatting issues, as you both have noted.

I just found a random thread on another forum where a user was having a similar problem in Firefox, and he resolved it after he discovered that he “didn’t allow in noscript (an addon for Firefox that blocks javascript except from servers I specify).”

Is it possible you have something similar going on?

Beyond that, I’m seeing several references on other forums to similar problems with IE10, so I’m not sure if it’s something we can fix on our end.

I wish I could be of more help…but I may just have to recommend trying another browser. Let’s see if anyone else chimes in with similar issues and/or advice.

Sorry for the trouble!
Mod 1

Mod1, interesting results playing with advanced options. I unclicked “disable script debugging (Internet Explorer).”

Now, when I attempt to reply in IE, and I hit “return” the IE script debug tool pops up with the following info:

Line: 31
Error: Unable to get property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined or null reference

If I click okay, I enter the debug tool:

Happens EVERY time I hit enter in a reply window with debug turned on.

I have this problem, but only with my brand new IE10. I couldn’t get a return or space without strange happenings with editing on my posting. I checked Compatibility View (icon turns blue), on the browser tools button, and that fixed the editing post problem, and lets me return correctly. It does mean that the top menu bar of COTH (settings, FAQ, etc) is funky and on the right side of the page, but it fixed the editing and posting problem.

I am having the same problem. I did not have this problem yesterday, so it is new for my computer.

So far, I have to go back to Chronicle Forums, Eventing, read a thread, then go back to Chronicle Forums to start all over again. Please let us know if you can figure out how to fix getting our “back button” back? :o

Also, the pages take much longer to load. It is almost like it was on my Windows 2000, before I upgraded to a new computer.