So my IR pony, about 17 years, had a mild bout of Laminitis mid-April. Treated with bute, modified diet, all was well. He showed on the 18th and 19th and looked great. Then about 10 days ago with no apparent reason, the laminitis is back, and not responding to bute. I’m finally resorting to stall rest (his paddock has a tiny amount of grass) but he’s still running a pulse in both fronts and tender. At this point I’m thinking abcesses in both fronts. How common is this? And if I treat for abcess (wrap, soak, etc.) is there a risk of weakening the structures that support the coffin bone? Laminitis experts, help me out!
He’s on Smartpak IR, Thyro-L, Grass hay. No treats of any kind. He’s a 12.2 hand Welsh with a cresty neck and saddlebags.