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Is A Recession Coming? What About The Horse Market?

Friesian anything crosses…they are all over here.

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Friesian Tennessee Walker cross? What? I can’t visualize this. Aren’t both breeds known for large heads? Pictures please :slightly_smiling_face: I agree with Alterration, the friesian crosses are everywhere.

I have noticed an increase of horses advertised on dreamhorse. Not to sound snobby, most are riding horses without much training in a discipline. It seems to me the horses with a show record or training are advertised on FaceBook.

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Must want to look pretty on a trail and not have to post.

I’ve seen a couple of those crosses that had to be level headed cause they looked like they were put together blindfolded.


I think they want hairy gaited horses?

I’m sure there are reputable Friesian breeders but the backyard breeders I see have a stallion and a dozen random mares of various breeding.

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Maybe it’s just seasonal but maybe the horse market is starting to soften. A year ago I spent several months looking for a horse and could find absolutely nothing that fit the bill. I don’t just mean that I couldn’t afford what I wanted, I mean there mostly weren’t even any on the market.

I finally bought a horse that wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but he had the temperament I wanted and lots of potential. I figured at the time that he was going to need about 2 years of riding with a trainer’s assistance and he would be great. And he was at the absolute top of my budget.

Last night I was watching some semi-boring show on TV so was scrolling through Facebook horse sale pages. I found at least a half dozen that seemed to be exactly what I was looking for last year and they were priced right around the middle of my price range.

So is gaiting dominant over non-gaiting? Are these crosses guaranteed to produce a gaiting horse?

edited because my iPhone spell assist really doesn’t like the word gaiting!

No. I know someone that has a 1/2 TN Walking Horse that is not gaited.

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It’s not dominant and technically they are more likely to trot, but some could be amblers.

It’s my weird way of implying that the people doing the cross probably don’t have a good understanding of genetics.


What FB sales horse groups did you use? Can I ask what your price range was at the time? In the groups I look at most everything is above $25k.

Hunter, Jumper & Eq Unicorns 2.0

Looking for an all around pleasure horse

AQHA - APHA - APHC Over Fences Horses

AQHA Hunters/Jumpers (Open, Amateur, & Youth)

ONLY Hunters, Jumpers, equitation horses and ponies available

Horses For Discussion SC, NC, GA

The all around pleasure horse page is mostly western horses, but also the occasional HUS or hunter being marketed by some trainer who works mostly in western world.

Horses For Discussion SC, NC, GA is a real crap shoot. Mostly way low end backyard horses, but once in a while you will find a gem. A former barn mate found a nice cross rail horse there for super cheap.

Edited to say my budget was under $20k.

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