Is anyone else getting email notifications for old PMs?

I keep getting email notifications for PMs that were sent - and read - months and months ago. Any idea why?

Me too. No idea why.

I’m not sure most of them are months old. Most of the ones I’m seeing are from the current OT days. Could be when they put the new format in place and I was NOT getting the email notification about comments on a thread for quite some time.

Most aren’t particularly annoying. I just go to the part of the email that says to stop getting notification to click and it deletes you from the thread.

As far as I’m concerned it no ‘fig bucking deal’ to paraphrase the 'cussing with eloquence thread! :smiley: Wonder if I can get a TU or TD for this post? LOL

Mine were from3 weeks ago.

Mine are mostly from September and October. Still getting them.

I posted about this yesterday. They are from various forums, and quite old. Weird. Today I’m not getting any notifications again, old or new.

We reported this issue to the tech folks this morning, and they’re in the process of investigating it.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Mod 1

Still going on, this has happened to me twice now. Same message reposted too.


I’m still getting them.

I’m getting them as well. Have been now for a couple of weeks. But perhaps just 1 or 2 a week.

I came here to post about this, since I’ve seemed to get all the ones that I’ve since deleted. It’s NBD, but I get all excited that somebody wants to talk to me, and then… sad trombone it’s an old one.

It’s gotten very bad for me lately. I got six today and several others over the week.

I too have been getting daily e-mail notifications for the past two months for old posts (Nov.) from old threads. Not OTD threads - regular forum threads. Have received 4 already today. What’s even more bizarre? I’m not even subscribed to any of these threads any longer.

Okay, it’s 5:30 p.m. & I’m now up to 16 e-mail notifications for threads with no new postings & to which I’m no longer subscribed. WTF? I know it’s no big deal & I can just delete them, but really now. If I’m no longer subscribed to them, why is COTH still sending these to my e-mail address?

I got several old notifications for PMs that I never received notifications for at the time they were sent. These PMs took place after the change-over and I assumed not getting notified was just part of the new forum, until I started receiving normal, on-time notifications. Now I have been receiving several notifications for old PMs over the course of the last couple weeks. I just figured it was the forum playing catch-up…a month late…

The problem is still persisting, I got another one in the last couple of days.

Same here. And now I’m getting notifications for the exact same posts (from Nov.) over & over every day. Since I’m no longer subscribed to the threads, don’t see where there’s anything I can do about it from my end.

Please make the notifications stop! My phone is going crazy!!

[QUOTE=Moderator 1;6692029]
We reported this issue to the tech folks this morning, and they’re in the process of investigating it.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Mod 1[/QUOTE]

Uh - I think you need to light a fire under the behinds of your “tech folks”. This problem is escalating & it’s been a month and & half since you “reported” the problem to them.

I’m gettimg Hundreds! I was gettimg 15 - 25 several times per day. I emptied my subscription folder and it has slowed down, but still gettimg 2 - 6 at a time. Slower intervala, though.

Another thread on the OTD forum about this ongoing & steadily-increasing annoying problem: